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  1. redforceone

    Fitz Pro Bowl MVP???

    Yeah LARRY! GO 11
  2. redforceone

    Back from Tampa

    Here's a Picture from Saturday night. A lot of Cardinals Fans!
  3. redforceone

    A sincere thank you to the ASFNers who went to Tampa

    Finally back to work - It was a great time! A big THANKS to JSTADVL - we went to YBOR city on Saturday then I landed at Wings both Friday and Saturday night. I have pictures that I'll post later in the week or by the weekend.
  4. redforceone

    Super Bowl: Halftime roll call

    Too funny BIM! How about we make the half time roll call on Saturday? Is anyone going to be around the stadium on Sat? Let's try and get a group photo as JSTADVL suggests?
  5. redforceone

    Which asfn poster will have a breakout weekend...

    I'll put all that is left of my ASFN$ on he who shall not be named... for taking care of us - without asking for anything in return. You know who you are!
  6. redforceone

    Tampa Bay bound ASFNers

    DVL - how about we do this Saturday? When we meet at the stadium? Who is going to be around the stadium on Saturday and what time(s)?
  7. redforceone

    Thinking about making a sign - any ideas?

    I have a STACK of signs to hand out in Tampa with a bunch of says I've used all year... The "rules" say no "Banners" what constitutes a Banner? "IRON CITY BEER SUCKS!" for Jesse and crew "NOT YOUR SAME 'OL CARDS!" Mad Jacks "SHOCK THE WORLD" "IT'S IN THE CARDS - with a deck of cards fanned out...
  8. redforceone

    Tampa Bay bound ASFNers

    I'll be there. Also, Donald has a list going with contact info for ASFNers... What about in front of the big XLIII gate - anyone there know what gate that is? How early before the game? Let's pick a time and make it happen.
  9. redforceone

    The Official Tampa Bay Meeting Spots

    If you grab any extra I'll gladly buy 'em!
  10. redforceone

    The Official Tampa Bay Meeting Spots

    Friday night Super Bar Olympics starting at nine... --------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday night will have the UFC 94 on with no cover Check out their website... although he is using the old logo... I'll need to call him - but hey it is almost more than what...
  11. redforceone

    The Official Tampa Bay Meeting Spots

    Friday and Saturday night at Wings Gone Wild - 6:30pm Wings Gone Wild 3114 W. Bay to Bay Blvd. Tampa, FL 33629 813-832-9464 On his outside marquee he (Mike - owner) has put "Arizona Cardinals Fans Headquarter".
  12. redforceone

    Should I drive to Tampa?

    Tickets on Frontier - 278 - get going!
  13. redforceone

    The Official Tampa Bay Meeting Spots

    Saturday night as well - UFC fight will be on.
  14. redforceone

    My Tampa adventure.

    Wow - that is just AWESOME to see! Thanks for the pics!
  15. redforceone

    Slanidric going prime time.

    Yes - that is waynescards from the "other" board...
  16. redforceone

    Roll Call for all Cards fans going to the Super Bowl (spreadsheet included)

    Wings Gone Wild - Saturday night. Wings Gone Wild 3114 W. Bay to Bay Blvd. Tampa, FL 33629 813-832-9464 I have spoken with Mike the owner and he is looking forward to hosting us... both Friday and Saturday night. I won't be in until Saturday sometime - but will be there...
  17. redforceone

    Tampa Rally Sat. Jan 31st

    For all traveling into Tampa or will be in the Tampa area on Saturday night we are putting together a meet and greet/rally at: Wings Gone Wild 3114 W. Bay to Bay Blvd, Tampa, 33629 I have spoken with the owner today and they have a lot of things going on all week. Let's get a roll call going...
  18. redforceone

    Tickets Available

    Just sent a PM... only need 1 if someone else is looking for the other...
  19. redforceone

    Pictures from the Big Red Rage - and more

    Scroll through to see pictures from this year and pictures of from tonights Big Red Rage and the Halas Trophy. Enjoy! P.S. I am still looking for 1 single to the game on Sunday...
  20. redforceone

    Anyone want a free DVD of the game??

    I would love this and will pay for shipping!
  21. redforceone

    Super Bowl Ticket Problem

    Same here...heading down without a ticket - interested. Send the details.
  22. redforceone

    Out of town request

    Bob - Michelle picked up an extra one. It's yours if you want. Call me this week.
  23. redforceone

    Edgerrin James - Thank You!!!!

    Yes - Thank You EJ32!
  24. redforceone

    From a Steeler fan _ I hate you!!

    Nice - Welcome to the Nest. Has anyone found a link to the AW interview...haven't seen it yet.