Search results

  1. FischerKing

    300 (Frank Miller)

    rats - perhaps you should try this: Lowered Expectations shawn
  2. FischerKing

    Lost: Season 3 (Spoilers)

    deja know this video was already posted a few posts back? shawn
  3. FischerKing

    300 (Frank Miller)

    ror...nice shawn
  4. FischerKing

    What Bands Have You Been Listening To Lately?

    :thumbup: fantastic band. what album? shawn
  5. FischerKing

    300 (Frank Miller)

    saw it friday night - liked it. took it for what it was worth - a graphic novel for the big screen and in that context it was great. shawn
  6. FischerKing

    What Bands Have You Been Listening To Lately?

    his latest album is really good - i've been enjoying that one as well - but i'm still on my T. Bone Burnett since I discovered him last week. Shawn
  7. FischerKing

    Speed Racer

    so you film a lot of home movies? :shrug: shawn
  8. FischerKing

    Speed Racer

    Johnny Quest was cool! :thumbup: shawn
  9. FischerKing

    Lost: Season 3 (Spoilers)

    but the Others know and they can tell him or Claire if they choose to. shawn
  10. FischerKing

    Lost: Season 3 (Spoilers)

    long enough time? probably not in the real world - but they are on the island - so who knows. it could be the island, it could be that time is different there or it could be poor continuity. shawn
  11. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    no - bucky covington... shawn
  12. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    no - but he has a new grill and he just divorced his wife. he might have a country album coming out... shawn
  13. FischerKing

    Speed Racer

    cool - i loved the cartoon when i was a kid. i haven't bought any of the series on dvd yet, but i have been wanting to. shawn
  14. FischerKing

    Cine Capri at Tempe Marketplace

    excellent. i loved the original one and the new one at the 101 doesn't really compare, but i think it's cool that they are building another. btw - my office sits above the site of the old one... :( shawn
  15. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    i believe the format has always been once you get to the top 12 then it is one person per week. shawn
  16. FischerKing

    Lost: Season 3 (Spoilers)

    they will have more of a challenge getting back unless either they brought their tree with them or they are allowed to leave the compound by the entry way - wherever that is... Shawn
  17. FischerKing

    All-Time Favorite Music Video Thread?

    :thumbup: shawn
  18. FischerKing

    Favorite TV Catch Phrases

    i did a search before i created this thread because i was not able to believe that this has not been a topic in this forum. i guess my search skills suck. :O don't ever ask me to find someone lost in the woods... shawn
  19. FischerKing


    yup, yup, yup and a kickin' show too. shawn
  20. FischerKing

    Favorite TV Catch Phrases

    I was thinking about this driving home from work yesterday. What are some of your favorite catch phrases and from what show. I think the ones that I have caught myself using the most over the last few years are: 1. yadda-yadda-yadda - Seinfeld 2. not that there's anything wrong with that...
  21. FischerKing

    Lost: Season 3 (Spoilers)

    definitely. :thumbup: shawn
  22. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    terrible... shawn
  23. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    :biglaugh: shebang! shawn
  24. FischerKing

    American Idol VI

    because he was better than his sister...which probably means that they should both pursue something else. shawn