Loved when bridges was on the post-game he said he knew it was going the second Cam got the ball. Watched the highlight on ESPN and he wasn't kidding. He was celebrating the second cam got the ball. Unreal
While many of us (including me) thought that the suns were going to have to make a trade. The development of Stix and the surprising play of biyombo make that largely unnecessary
Payne and Mcgee were absolutely awful tonight. Can't have that when a) shorthanded and b) playing a damn good team who is ridiculously good at home.
That said, the team was obviously exhausted. Ah well. End 1 streak, now start a new one
The problem with guys like Jalen rose on TV is that they view themselves as entertainers and not reporters. However when you say something like that you are held to that standard as they are using sources.
And like I've said before the most likely chance of his removal is an internal one. The other parts of the ownership group are more likely to get Sarver out than the league
The problem of having a good team that knows that they're a good team. Often lack of focus for chunks of a game where they just have the thought of "we can back at them at any time."
Cuban was accused of not having team control. He fixed some things and largely avoided any trouble
The evidence so far against Sarver isn't enough to do anything. There needs to be a smoking gun for anything to happen. So far its mostly the word of disgruntled former employees. Thats not...
Most of us know he was/is a prick. However for him to be in serious trouble and lose ownership there has to be hard proof for that to happen. So far there's not much
The last controversy like this in the nba was so dire that everyone forgot about in the span of a year: the Dallas mavericks...