I totally agree but the league can use the excuse that Amare was checking in and they other teams could never complain about how the suns got extra treatment. Also remember the league deff. wants this series to go 7 if possible so Suns winning game 5 goes a long way for that.
The rule is designed to keep players off the court during fights. Amare and Diaw quickly reacted and quickly then realized that they were breaking a rule and went back towards the baseline. Suspension would be rediculous.
I was just thinking about this...Do you think Dantoni is sticking with the single coverage on duncan based on the fact that he think Duncan will not be able to hang tonight? Let me explain. When it worked in game 2 the Spurs only got one night off. But before game 3 he had 4 days off. Does...
It's so refreshing to read a thread that doesn't scream bloody murder! I agree 1000% GET IT DONE I don't really care how it happens either just make it happen boys! Come out and send a damn message and send these guys to the locker room with stains in their undershorts worried about game 5!! GET...
I Hate People Like You All So Much!! It Was One Damn Game!! One! We Just Need To Win One Game On Their Court And Its Two Two Coming Home To Us Airways. I Hate People That Scream End Of The World So Quickly, True Suns Fans Have Faith.
Thats by boy! The hawk <O>. For the people a little slow it comes from him having a mohawk (even thought it was just for a day) and how he flys around the court!