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  1. jefftheshark

    Breaking: Joey Porter arrested

    Oh, that would explain the blood draw up in Flagstaff last year. And here I was thinking that you were a vampire. :) JTS
  2. jefftheshark

    Government retirement for all?

    I believe it's just crying wolf - for now - Denninger is pretty well known for getting all riled up before most anyone else. But where there's smoke........ The problem is that it is well documented that the government is going to need to get its hands on more revenue and people's 401k's and...
  3. jefftheshark

    Debt Saturation = Game Over

    This is a good point, and while the future is never certain, the trend is not good. It's just like a saying here in Vegas that goes, "the race may not always go to the swiftest, but that is the way to bet". There are a lot of events that could occur that might make this problem go away, but I'd...
  4. jefftheshark

    Debt Saturation = Game Over

    I read this earlier today on Nathan's site and then saw Denninger comment on it on the Ticker . It's very timely when you see the events of the day. Most won't care about this, and because the game can go on for quite awhile before any concrete signs of "bad" things occurring, then it's...
  5. jefftheshark

    Health Care Effects

    Since it looks like the health care bill is going to pass, I'm wondering how this might effect the markets next week. On one hand, this should add a huge additional cost to doing business on companies that are already struggling, which would be negative. And yet the worst off will be small...
  6. jefftheshark

    ...Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction

    :D Yeah, for that you'd have to go down to the "bacon panties". JTS
  7. jefftheshark

    ...Bacon a Weapon of Mass Destruction

    Presented without comment: JTS
  8. jefftheshark

    Complete Frustration

    I'm just here to meet babes. JTS
  9. jefftheshark

    Complete Frustration

    I don't know if this was posted elsewhere but from Urban's blog about what Whiz said today: "And as a p.s., while no one brought up Joey Porter directly, Whisenhunt was asked about finding linebackers in free agency. Whisenhunt said the Cards continue to talk to available players/agents and...
  10. jefftheshark

    Is there a problem with VBookie?

    Aw, screw it. Too much work. JTS
  11. jefftheshark

    Is there a problem with VBookie?

    To reiterate: Sweet! JTS
  12. jefftheshark

    Is there a problem with VBookie?

    So all I need to do is post 18,000 times and I'll save 20 big ones? Sweet! JTS
  13. jefftheshark

    Refinancing My House.... Advice

    Like cheap underwear. JTS
  14. jefftheshark

    Colin Cowherd is a Douche Bag

    I guess you can add another name to the list :) JTS
  15. jefftheshark

    Refinancing My House.... Advice

    I felt a lot more comfortable with the advice being dispensed in this thread back when Shane was involved. JTS
  16. jefftheshark

    Iceland Says "No"

    93% Of Icelanders Reject "Icesave" Bill In Historic Referendum I don't know if anyone else is following this, but basically every person in Iceland was being required to "pay around $135 a month for eight years -- the equivalent of a quarter of an average four-member family's salary." These...
  17. jefftheshark

    Arizona Cardinals Moving Ahead

    A very good take on yesterday's events, thanks again for the efforts. But I believe that the Seahawks have the #6 and the #14 (from Denver) so they could still get Bradford if he's available. JTS
  18. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    :yeahthat:, me too. (SDS, FAZ) But I would like to buy SRS (Ultrashort Real Estate) but everytime I do, it kicks my butt. See 1 yr Chart: I mean, what a loser, right? And yet when you read articles like this, you have to wonder if this the steal of a lifetime...
  19. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    Weak currency = increased exports, right? So in response we see Central Bankers racing around debasing and weakening their currency (Japan at least has the integrity to say that this is what they're doing, everyone else is just "nudge, nudge, wink, wink). What we see now is that the Europeans...
  20. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    No (but I can see why you'd say that from what I wrote), but what I was trying to say was that the timeframe for this to be recognized as a full-blown depression could be shorter away than "years". JTS
  21. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    The spread between 30 year Treasuries and mortgage rates are abnormally tight, when historically they are closer to the 30 + 1.5% or so. This tells me that when the Fed MBS purchases stop later this month that there could be a fairly quick jump in rates. When you add this to the Chinese...
  22. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    Here's another interesting look at life in the 1930's, with a nod to current trends: Life In (and After) Our Great Recession As Americans confront what has been dubbed the worst economic catastrophe since the Great Depression, they may be forgiven for failing to linger over soon-to-be-old...
  23. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    If the characters gave it all away at once, the show would have been over in the first hour. Just like this 2 minute version of the Lord Of The Rings: LINK :) JTS
  24. jefftheshark

    IT's Official: Wiz and Graves extended!

    The old "good news/bad news" trick. :) JTS
  25. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    So isn't that the point of Satan, to try and sever the strings and overcome this irresistable will? This would basically make the show a re-make of MacLeish's J.B. (nttawwt, btw) JTS