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  1. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    :) I figure that anyone who uses a "Citizen of the Galaxy" reference as their member name would appreciate a little philosophical meandering. (although, I would have selected "RBaslim" myself, but that's just me. :)) JTS
  2. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    Oh, this would certainly not be the first discussion of Brother John Calvin on these forums. As I recall, several years ago we discussed the application of Calvinistic doctrine to the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the daytime. In that particular debate, Gadd took me to task for my...
  3. jefftheshark

    Bank Fees

    What the invisible hand doesn't account for is just plain indifference. Many people are satisfied with with the thought that a giant bank offers them the most security, and that's all the effort that goes into the decision making process. And that's not necessarily a surprising outcome when...
  4. jefftheshark

    Will AIG force The US to bailout Greece?

    I would suspect that the the US would use the IMF to bailout Greece before AIG. But I've also read that Northern European banks are far more on the hook for the Southern countries than the US. But really, who knows, and from a certain standpoint, who cares? There will be some kind of...
  5. jefftheshark

    Wall Street's Bailout Hustle

    A new gem from Taibbi (from Rolling Stone). On January 21st, Lloyd Blankfein left a peculiar voicemail message on the work phones of his employees at Goldman Sachs. Fast becoming America's pre-eminent Marvel Comics supervillain, the CEO used the call to deploy his secret weapon: a pair of...
  6. jefftheshark

    Removing the Training Wheels

    :lmao: And then again, perhaps nothing will happen. (The S&P is down only 2 points as I type this) :) JTS
  7. jefftheshark

    Removing the Training Wheels

    My take: We almost had a failed auction the other day at the long end of the curve which might have scared the crap out of someone. It could be time then to knock the bejesus outta stocks & gold and create a rush to treasuries in order to roll over the massive amount of short term debt...
  8. jefftheshark

    Removing the Training Wheels

    The Fed raised the discount rate to 0.75 tonight after market close and the futures are down right now. This combined with options expirations tomorrow could make for a very volatile trading session. BLOOMBERG Of course, everyone's fear is that they're tightening too soon and repeating...
  9. jefftheshark

    Just Curious

    Are there still people involved in GLB, and if so, who's still active? I'm still on the site every day, but I'm not putting any cash into it either. Just wonderin' :) JTS
  10. jefftheshark

    Survivor: Heroes vs Villains

    You've got a good eye. :) This is from Jeff Probst's recap where he discusses the Hueys and how the NZAF got involved. He's got some additional information about last night that's interesting...
  11. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    Kate is like that really hot chick you got involved with in your early twenties who was just amazingly messed up, and it takes like months to realize that the envy of your friends is not worth the drama. Because drama doesn't always translate into "interesting". For years, I've felt that...
  12. jefftheshark

    Boldin trade talk to Dolphins

    Buster Davis JTS
  13. jefftheshark

    Real Homes of Genius

    I've been reading this site for a while now and thought I'd share it on here. This article discusses the relationship between renters, shadow inventory and the selling of houses, and how the interactions between these same groups within a single neighborhood can affect housing prices. It also...
  14. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    But it's actually free will and predetermination, it just depends in which universe you currently reside in. JTS
  15. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    I'm somewhat conflicted. I really like the acting, writing and the story line is nothing if not original and thought-provoking, but..................... If we are to believe in the multiverse conceit and all the ramifications and outcomes that are possible in an infinite series of possible...
  16. jefftheshark

    Dockett and Cards about to start Discussions?

    From ddockett's Twitter earlier today: ddockett: mikeybidwill02 just ask me what will it take to keep me in a card uniform , @#&! what yall think what will it take? Whiz responded with: @ddockett dock eaaasssyyy bruh ddockett: I said Kurt pleeeeease stay just one more year! I take a pay...
  17. jefftheshark

    Definition of "Economic Recovery"

    I understand the comparison to Japan, but I'm not sure about the rational behind the tumbling dollar. With the impending problems with the PIIGS, it would seem that the floating basket of currencies are all headed down, so on a relative basis, we could actually end up seeing a stronger dollar...
  18. jefftheshark

    Definition of "Economic Recovery"

    The reason that the first Great Depression was so painful was that people believed the "experts" that the mess was over, went out and bought stocks or real estate, and then the next downturn took them out at the knees. If you look at a graph of stocks between 1929 to 1939 you'll see that while...
  19. jefftheshark

    Smoot-Hawley the sequel?

    I don't know, but you better damn well marry the poor girl! Signed, The Religious Right Somewhere In The Deep South, GA
  20. jefftheshark

    Smoot-Hawley the sequel?

    :D I just came on here to post the same thing myself JTS
  21. jefftheshark

    Smoot-Hawley the sequel?

    On Friday we saw a large reversal to the downside on "good" GDP & confidence news. This seems to be telling me, at least, that the wall of worry has been scaled and there are thousands of fingers poised over the "sell" buttons right now. I could be wrong, but the market looks overbought even...
  22. jefftheshark

    Smoot-Hawley the sequel?

    Wasn't Smoot-Hawley the erection of trade barriers and tariffs in order to stop the importing of cheap goods and jump start a "buy American" campaign? JTS and yes FAZ, PSQ, SDS & possibly DUG
  23. jefftheshark

    The View From Inside a Depression

    I've been reading about the Great Depression recently, and found the following article to be very interesting. The article, which was written last October when the DOW went back over 10,000 - much to the cheers of many who felt that we were finally out of the woods, discusses the diary of a...
  24. jefftheshark

    Warner's Future (press conference)

    Hmmm..................... Although, actually cheesie, it sounds more like a dream to me. :D JTS

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