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  1. jefftheshark

    I Recently Escaped From A Nepalese Prison Farm

    The one in the middle was fairly friendly (if you know what I mean - wink, wink, nudge, nudge) JTS
  2. jefftheshark

    I Recently Escaped From A Nepalese Prison Farm

    Anything interesting happen during the last 4 years? JTS
  3. jefftheshark

    AZ 23 MIN 20 Thoughts

    Nice write up, as usual, WM - thanks I also noted the somewhat vanilla play calling, but as I wondered aloud to the booze crew last night, perhaps the Brain Trust was looking at a possible rematch in January as a reason to play it closer to the vest. Stranger things have happened, I...
  4. jefftheshark

    jefftheshark's Kinda/Sorta Third Annual Mock Draft Extravaganza

    Well it's that time of year again. Time for the ol’ shark to be checking out of rehab, of course, but that's a different story. Actually, the faded Duck Dynasty calendar on the wall is saying it is once again time for "jefftheshark's Kinda/Sorta Third Annual Mock Draft Extravaganza”. As...
  5. jefftheshark

    A msg. from NSDF..I'm FINE (really), but...

    I'm not dead yet either.... ...I just smell that way. JTS
  6. jefftheshark

    Madjack's Banner Suggestions - Seattle Game!

    Dear Santa, EARPLUGS! JTS
  7. jefftheshark

    Cardinals sign Michael Bush

    In regards to Bush, rather than "cut", I'd prefer either "trimmed" or "shaved". JTS
  8. jefftheshark

    red on red this weekend = big loss

    You likely missed the Duckjake "jinx-reversing" :stickman: :stick: Got to say I love the banner idea though – succinct and to the point :) JTS
  9. jefftheshark

    Conspiracy Theory..

    This sounds suspiciously like sarcasm to me. JTS
  10. jefftheshark

    MadJack's Banner Suggestions - Chiefs Game

    Just heal, baby! JTS
  11. jefftheshark

    MadJack's Banner Suggestions - Chiefs Game

    What? Us worry? JTS
  12. jefftheshark

    Looking back at early assessments of BASK + Bowles

    I am blessed in that I never hold an opinion, so bumped threads hold no power over me :) JTS
  13. jefftheshark

    OT anybody else feel this way about Denver this year

    I don't like Manning because he's not white enough for me. JTS
  14. jefftheshark

    Just another day at the office!

    Did you tell him that you still like Anquan better? :) JTS PS - I met with Meat Loaf after his show last Thursday and he said to say "hi!" Although he's still a little miffed you didn't know who he was - lol
  15. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    This sounds like it would work for everybody involved (which is no small feat, for sure :) )- thanks so much! JTS
  16. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    lol - Before you yank away my Man Card I said organic not vegetarian - I'm perfectly happy tracking down some tasty critter and wolfing 'em down - I just want to know what the poor bastard had been eating beforehand :D JTS And thanks again for all the great suggestions!
  17. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    The more the merrier! Thanks for all the great choices - that Happy Cow website is a wealth of great info - thanks to all! JTS
  18. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    Is that in a house? :) Sounds cool - yeah, places like this :) Thanks! JTS
  19. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    Sweet Tomatoes is good, but they have them here - was hoping to find someplace unique to AZ/PHX Thanks! JTS
  20. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    Was hoping to walk - you know - breathing in all that fresh downtown air :D JTS
  21. jefftheshark

    Phoenix Restaurant Advice

    The wife & I are going to be attending a convention in downtown Phoenix this spring and I'm looking for advice for a great place to take our team out to dinner. To help narrow it down, we are all in the "healthy" business - so someplace organic would be awesome, Applebee's is definitely out :)...
  22. jefftheshark looks at Cardinals offseason

    Who is this "Ryan Williams" you are referring too? JTS
  23. jefftheshark

    Fitz restructures contract

    Would that make Larry "The Gimp"? JTS
  24. jefftheshark

    Who is your most frustrating player in Cardinal history...

    5) KVB - great talent, couldn't stay healthy as a Card - could just as easily be Andre Wadsworth too 4) Tie Kelly Stouffer, Matt Leinart and for a year & a half - Kurt Warner (flame away, but you know it was true :) ) 3) Buster Douglas - only because it proved the ineptitude of our FO...
  25. jefftheshark


    I like to bet with my kidneys JTS

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