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  1. azsports

    Is this club a David Boston and Rosie Colvin away from a serious playoff run?

    "IF" Balls, Balls said the Queen. "IF" I had two, I would be King.
  2. azsports

    it's sad when emmitt gets no love from the local media

    Gambo is the biggest Idiot in the valley. I stopped listening to him over a year ago. Sorry to hear he is still in town. I think he should move back to New York.
  3. azsports

    What's the worst half-time show you've ever seen?

    Saw some dude at an Arizona Rattlers Game a couple of years ago blow up a hugh baloon then put his whole body inside of it and then out again.
  4. azsports

    It's amazing how fast everyone got over how bad the draft was.

    As you said not much we can do about it now but I will never be over it. That was about the worst draft I can remember for the Cardinals. I thought George Boone was back in charge. I hope it all works out but I am a long way from over it.
  5. azsports

    Seven Words you can't say on a Cardinals Message board

    56. atswhatimtalkinabout.
  6. azsports

    Roll Call

    In state. South Tempe. 1 mile from Cardinals Training Complex and Offices.
  7. azsports

    Bryant Johnson/Calvin Pace Press Conference Link!

    Thanks again Jim:thumbup:
  8. azsports

    Jurecki reports Saints/Cards deal on the table

    NO NO NO Not if it includes our 2nd round next year.
  9. azsports

    KDUS Draft Day Coverage Listen Link!!

    Thanks Jim.
  10. azsports

    Now on the Clock: The Detroit Lions

    Who will Houston take?
  11. azsports

    Now on the Clock: The Detroit Lions

    Bengals Agree to Contract With QB Palmer By JOE KAY, AP Sports Writer CINCINNATI - Heisman Trophy winner Carson Palmer agreed to a contract Thursday with the Cincinnati Bengals (news), who have the draft's top pick and a history of ruining young quarterbacks. The Bengals...
  12. azsports

    Hall of Famer Larry Wilson Announces NFL Retirement

    Good Luck Larry. They don't make players like you any more. You were a true football player.:thumbup:
  13. azsports

    you're on the clock with the #6 pick

    I agree. We can't afford to miss Suggs.
  14. azsports

    Jeff Blake To Appear On 12 Sports Tonight (04/13) 10:30pm

    Thanks for the update guys.
  15. azsports

    Iraqi Minister of Information

    LMFAO. Thanks.
  16. azsports

    Happy B-Day Casablanca!

    32 wow. just a kid. Congrats and happy birthday kid.
  17. azsports

    Welcome To The Newest Member:

    Welcome back Dave P.
  18. azsports

    Listening to Bill Lewis and Mike Jurecki talk about the draft is like...

    I agree about Mike. He does a very good job and knows what he is talking about. About 180 degrees from Gambo who just rants to hear himself spew garbage.
  19. azsports

    From The Bleachers/Rod Graves Interview Link

    Jim, Is Emmitt here working out with the guys or is he still in Dallas? Thanks.
  20. azsports

    Cardinals Release C Mike Gruttadauria

    Good Luck in what ever you do Grutts.
  21. azsports

    Gambo's Latest

    I have not listened to Gambo for about a year now. He is a complete idiot. I got him so ticked at me he will not answer my emails nor take my calls.
  22. azsports

    Per Jurecki - Cards tried to trade Jones yesterday

    Do they still make that rot gut? How about to Seattle so we can beat him twice every year.
  23. azsports

    emmitt signed per jurecki 2:30 press conf.

    PHOENIX - Emmitt Smith (news) reached an agreement to join the Arizona Cardinals (news) on Wednesday. The Cardinals called an afternoon news conference to announce the deal, NFL spokesman Joe Browne said. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed. The NFL's leading career rusher...
  24. azsports

    Vanden Bosch Recipient of Ed Block Award

    Congrats to KVB