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    DAMN IT!!! Johnson tells Suns not to match Atlanta's offer

    This upsets me greatly. How dare you Joe Johnson. We stuck by you for 3 years when your ego was at its fragilest. We were loyal to you and encouraged you when you really didn't even deserve the playing time, much less the starting SG spot. And now when you have finally made it and all the...
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    Suns Sign Padgett....

    Padgett!? Padgett!? We don't NEED no stinking Padgett! (just kidding, it's a fine signing)
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    O'Neal is the poster child...

    From today's AZ Republic: "View from Press Row Jermaine O'Neal is wrong. A 20-year-old age minimum isn't racist. It's just wrong. It's also more than just a little hypocritical. While NBA management talks about imposing the limit, it sells LeBron James as its next star. James could not have...
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    What Will The Legacy Of The Suns Be?

    Very true. Without the presence of Shaq, I highly doubt Jake Tsakalidis would have even been drafted, much less been given two good years of consistent playing time in the hopes he would "develop," when it was clear he was a stiff. The "Tsaki Bomber" should take Shaq out to lunch or something.
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    Newest Sun

    There is no doubt that if Marion were traded, it would be for someone 100x as good as Hunter. I'm just suggesting that are no plans to trade Marion for a center. If there were, why would we need to sign a center who is 100x worse. That would be overkill (Unnamed awesome center :) , Voskuhl...
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    Newest Sun

    Good signing. He's still young (22), and hopefully a fresh start and more experience (he should get plenty with us) will jumpstart his career. - Also...will this finally end the ridiculous notion of trading Shawn Marion?
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    USA vs Italy

    From Chris Webber's recent chat regarding the Kings playoff loss which I feel is very telling regarding the state of American basketball: It's time o stop playing soft and (like) suburban kids. That's what we play like. We...
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    House of the Rising Sun

    "Jihad White: White was defiantly the big man on the team." First off, I didn't know that Jahidi was a Muslim and planning a holy war. they mean that the Suns did not want "Jihad" to be the big man but he did it anyway? ;)