Okay I have 2 computers at home and a laptop... It seems that someone is always on all of them all of the time... It is like you have to pull a number and wait in line to get on one... The main is a monster, massive processor, massive vid card killer performance, the laptop is a P4 3.0 and pretty much has to be plugged in all the time, great power and speed but no ability to run on batteries really... The last is an old celeron that is used for on line browsing and that is about all it can handle...
Our place has kind of turned into an Internet cafe...
My wife wants me to go and pick up another desktop, real clear that she does not want another notebook or laptop...
She says she will be the primary user for this one and will not use any of the others...
The main reason she even wants one is strictly for herself and that involves E-mail, Ebay (photo processing and server uploads), Internet browsing... Only thing she is real specific on is it must have at least a 19 inch LCD monitor...
My question is what would you do, buy a basic machine capable of only doing what she wants, or would you add another monster or something in between? I have been looking for a few weeks now and can't really decide on what the heck to get.
Our place has kind of turned into an Internet cafe...
My wife wants me to go and pick up another desktop, real clear that she does not want another notebook or laptop...
She says she will be the primary user for this one and will not use any of the others...
The main reason she even wants one is strictly for herself and that involves E-mail, Ebay (photo processing and server uploads), Internet browsing... Only thing she is real specific on is it must have at least a 19 inch LCD monitor...
My question is what would you do, buy a basic machine capable of only doing what she wants, or would you add another monster or something in between? I have been looking for a few weeks now and can't really decide on what the heck to get.