Don't worry, if they don't carry a lot of big movies, you won't have to.
But they do have a point. They need people to go to the movies to pay their bills. If a major movie studio decides to release movies at home AND in the theater at the same time, like it or not, that is a huge chunk of the population that will decide to not go to the movies, not when they could avoid spending 100 bucks for 4 people and see the same movie at home for 20 bucks. Let's say in a fantasy world, theaters cut their prices IN HALF, that would still be 50 vs 20 bucks.
The timing is suspect, but I don't blame the theaters AT ALL for taking this stance. This is not a little thing, this is a BIG deal.
That's why I said it was horrible timing. I don't blame them for taking a stand per se from a business standpoint. I think it's absolute horrible timing. Now isn't the time. There are very few people that are going to see this as sympathetic for the theaters when their lives are turned upside down and they are starving for new content.
All you do is piss people off. You piss the average moviegoer off and good luck every recovering your business.
I don't want theaters to go out of business either. I get why they are nervous and worried about what is going on. I also think AMC and the others are coming off like *****. Seriously, so many better ways to address this. I personally won't be going near an AMC theater or any other that jumps on this bandwagon.
I seem to remember reading an article predicting that in a few short years, theaters will be dead and all movies will be streamed.
Gawd, I hope not. I don't care what kind of home theater set up you have, nothing beats a movie in full big screen or IMAX, with today's sound. Nothing... NOTHING comes close.
Yeah...sort of disagree, specifically on the sound part. Sure, you can't really replicate the size of the screen (like IMAX) but I know many people in the same hobby as me (home theater) and very happy with their 120" or bigger screen. Plus keep in mind because you are closer the amount of space that fills your eye line is similar to sitting 5X the distance in an actual theater.
In terms of sound, sure, you can fit more speakers in an actual theater but I have the latest sound (ATMOS) setup in mine and it rocks. I know others that have much better setups than mine and trust me that the sound setups are just as good as theaters (minus the number of speakers). Plus unlike a large theater I can fine tune the sound stage where in a theater it's setup to try and appease a really wide set of listening positions.
Is it 100% the same? No but it's pretty damn close to a theater experience. The quality of home theater equipment isn't the problem. It's the price barrier and space. Not everyone has the space or budget. So having a really good setup is not an option for most.
I hope it doesn't go that way either because I do agree nothing beats watching an epic film on the big screen on IMAX for example but not necessarily because of the size of the screen or the sound (although important). You can't replicate feeling the response of the crowd in a theater. To me that is the biggest part you can't get at home. Nothing is cooler than being part of a crowd reaction. That to me is the best part of the movie going experience. Just hearing a crowed cheer for the appearance of Han Solo or when Cap picked up Mjölnir....nothing beats that.