I know I'll be blasted for this but I am really starting to believe Branch is going to explode onto the scene at some point this year. Whether he blows people away in camp or gets on the field due to i-----, I think he'll be more than efective when he gets there. He must have had the most craptastic attitude ever because the coaching staff really hated him. His play definitely warranted more PT IMO. Hopefully he has gotten his act together, if not I say stop stalling, send the message and cut his @$$.
For the record, Watson is much better than "has done nothing yet" or "a solid starter". There are only a handle of guys in the league capable of plugging into the middle of a 3-4 and being successful and when healthy, he is one of them. If you take the time to look, his stats are eerily similar to those of all-world NT Casey Hampton.
On the flip side, I must have been watching different games from the rest of the board last year because Campbell doesn't excite me nearly as much as everyone else. I still maintain that he's better suited as a 4-3 DE or UT and just doesn't seem stout enough at the point of attack to play DE in a 3-4. What I saw when watching him last year was a guy with tremendous hustle who made plays 4-10yds past the LOS after getting blown off the ball at the snap. I really love his attitude and tenacity on the field and his STs play is great, I just kinda feel like, to a lesser extent, we're sticking the squared peg in the circular hole again (Pace, Rolle). In the end, Mike Wright would have been a great signing this offseason IMO.