1. Philly fans are known for excessive booing, true or false?
2. Why not write an interesting article on why Philly isn't growing/its shrinking and what the city can do about it? I don't see any need to bash Phoenix. To say we have no culture or history here, to say that we're all just a bunch of ignorant retiree's who moved here because of low taxes (when the average age in Phoenix is lower than that of Philly). If you read it, it was just very juvenille, uninformed and rude.
1. Philly fans, in general, boo when their team sucks. Um, is that wrong? I think not. Maybe they just boo louder than other fans, and, hell, I support that! Throwing batteries at JD Drew, flinging snowballs at Santa Clause and cheering when Michael Irvin was almost paralyzed? No, I don't support that, and that was not the majority of fans who did that.
2. I don't give a damn about the pissing contest between Phoenix and Philly growth, lack thereof, media, political offices or anything else. Don't blame what the media say on the fans of the sports teams in that city.
I really dont care who wins the wild card race as long as the Dbacks win the NL West.. But I have a feeling Philly will choke it away once again.. Which is fine with me..
You know, usually September means the Phillies choke. However, THEY ARE IN FIRST PLACE IN THEIR DIVISION!!!!!!
Damn. Guess it took me moving out of the area to make it happen.
Again, I say, please no D'Backs/Phillies series in the first round. PLEASE!