Actually, Krang, though my lineage in Ireland is the same, I have to point out you are wrong.
First, Brian Boru (anglicized name) unified Ireland as the one and only Ard Rhi (High King) prior to 1014. Unfortunately, he was killed by a stray arrow at the Battle of Clontarf.
Northern Ireland never, ever used to belong to the English in fact, not just in force, as the rest of the country didn't. It was the English bastard pope, Adrian (the ONLY English pope, by the way), otherwise known as Nicholas Brakespeare, who used a faulty document called (I'll flub this-it's been a while) the something laudibilitier. Now, this was supposedly written by Constantine, giving the church dominion of all the lands and islands of the sea. Of course, since HE (an Englishman) was pope, he granted Ireland to England. How convenient. The document has, in recent centuries, been determined to be a fake.
Also, the Gaeltacht (or the six counties known as Northern Ireland) used the be the most Irish portion of the country. When King Henry VIII forced all Irish nobles to surrender their lands, swear fealty and receive them back AT THE KING'S PLEASURE, it set the stage for his daughter, Elizabeth, to seize those lands. In a purely money-making venture, Elizabeth seized lands, imported Scotch-Presbetyrian colonists (our forefathers, who became quote-unquote 'Irish) to work on huge plantations. Of ocurse, those plantations were huge disasters, and the English blamed the new Irish's woes on the Catholics, and they simply beat the Catholics down, and thus, roughly, began the troubles in the North.
This is my subject, man-ancient Irish history. In fact England is the root cause of 99 percent of everything over there. Sure, not the modern state of Britain, but they did it nonetheles