Counterfeit & Inferior-Quality Battery Warning
Do not use counterfeit and/or inferior-quality lithium batteries. Such batteries can develop internal
shorts and may pose a fire or burn hazard.
Avoid purchasing batteries from online-auction and other marketplace websites, as these are
known sources of counterfeit and/or inferior-quality batteries.
The use of counterfeit and/or inferior-quality batteries could greatly reduce runtime and output
performance, damage your Arlo wire-free cameras, and constitute a safety hazard.
Counterfeit and/or inferior-quality batteries that cause damage to your Arlo wire-free camera may
void the warranty.
Counterfeit and inferior-quality batteries lack built-in fault and heat protection, which superior
quality batteries contain for added safety.
For these reasons, NETGEAR recommends that you use the batteries supplied by NETGEAR
with your Arlo wire-free cameras, or batteries from other high quality, established, well-known
manufacturers such as Panasonic®, Energizer®, or Duracell®.
Arlo performance claims are based on the use of batteries that initially ship with Arlo
wire-free cameras.
Rechargeable Battery Warning
Arlo wire-free cameras have been designed for use with primary, non-rechargeable batteries.
For the best possible Arlo experience, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND using the non-rechargeable
batteries supplied with your Arlo wire-free cameras, or non-rechargeable batteries from other high
quality, established, well-known manufacturers such as Panasonic®, Energizer®, or Duracell®.
Because many rechargeable batteries on the market are counterfeits or of inferior quality, WE
STRONGLY DISCOURAGE the use of any rechargeable batteries with your Arlo wire-free
cameras, as they may pose a fire or burn hazard. They may also damage your camera.