Adam, the deal is not confirmed yet but it looks to be true. Curt just posted on the Boston board and this might make you feel better. I like what Curt mentioned, you can have all the talent in the world but will they mesh together?
Posts: 57
(2/14/04 5:39 pm)
Reply Re: A-Rod to New York
Have to laugh at anyone that's even remotely shocked by this. The unlimited payroll bitching is rather old now too. It is what it is, and we'll deal with it. Does it make them better, well I don't know. Does adding a guy that, when he retires, has a legitimate chance to be the best all around player in the games history make you better????? Hell yes it makes them better, offensively, defensively it's not even close, they get much better. Fact of the matter is the ownership of this team chooses to build a team based on in depth talent and character analysis, as well as payroll impact. You can't bitch and moan about the lack of effort on the Red Sox end, they reached for the stars on this, and it didn't fit.
I'm more than ok with that. You can argue this way and that in regards to who's talked to whom, how certain guys were handled and treated this winter. But no one other than the parties involved knows what's really happened and if you look back, most, if not all, of the negative comments directed at the Red Sox fall into this area. They've worked their asses off to make this team a world series contender, and we are, period. Arod to the Yankees, if it happens, just makes winning this whole thing that much sweeter IMO, when it happens.
It's another challenge, but after 85 years did any of you think that getting over this final hurdle and winning it all was gonna be a cake walk? No, it'll be more fun this way. This way, when we do win it all, and you all are out there flipping birds back and forth with Yankee fans, you'll be smiling a whole lot wider.
It was gonna be a challenge before this rumor, and with or without Arod the Yankees are going to be real real good, so let's move on, let whatever happens happen, and focus on the fact that the best Boston Red Sox team in the last 100 years takes the field in 7 days, for a ride that is guaranteed to be the most memorable of any of our lives over the next 8 months, and enjoy the hell out of it.
OK, Questec just flat out sucks...