I don't buy that this kind of issue, and spotlight on the issue, will effect or will destroy the sport.
Please note, the response below is relative to hypothetical chance that people would want to "outlaw" football, either by law, or by choice of the masses.
1. Most people will forget about all this in 5 years like they do with everything else.
2. If people think it is going to stop with football they are so wrong. There are concussions in basketball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, rugby, etc., etc.
3. There are concussion that happen outside of sports. Accidents, slips and falls, etc., etc.
4. There are so many things that are more dangerous and bad for your health than sports, that I couldn't list them in a life time. The easiest to point out is getting into your car and driving around.
I mean, are people going to really sit back and give into the bubble wrap society where we teach our youth to be scared to walk out the front door ? Preach to sit in your house and only leave to go to school/work ?
I don't know. People have the right to choose, and I cannot imagine that all people fall into this bubble wrap society thought that we can create a society where nothing bad ever happens in people's lives.
I don't buy into it, I won't live like that that, and I won't raise my kids to live like that either.
We are humans, this is our planet, and environment, and I will live in it. Bad things happen, and to try and stop that is unnatural. Life is balance, good with bad.
I have had concussions in my life, because of sports, and they were well worth it. I didn't make any money for it, hell I had to pay for the right to go do it. The joy, memories, and values I learned greatly out weigh the risks. I am not saying people are wrong for thinking other wise, but people should always have the right to choose to take said risk.
If people want to huddle in their houses scared of the world, that is fine with me, but don't complain when you look back at your life and your highlights are all TV shows you watched, and video games you played.