Belichick denies Patriots taped Rams' 2002 Super Bowl walk-through


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Suppose this Matt Walsh guy, assistant golf pro, was attempting to glamorize himself and cash in. That is not possible, is it?

Belichick denies Patriots taped Rams' 2002 Super Bowl walk-through news services

Updated: February 18, 2008, 6:05 AM ET

Patriots coach Bill Belichick and vice president of player personnel Scott Pioli issued a broad denial Sunday in a report on The Boston Globe's Web site regarding suggestions by a former employee that their team taped a St. Louis Rams walk-through before the 2002 Super Bowl.

Bill Belichick told a newspaper Sunday that he's never watched video of an opponent's practice before a game.
"In my entire coaching career, I've never seen another team's practice film prior to playing that team," Belichick told the newspaper Sunday. "I have never authorized, or heard of, or even seen in any way, shape, or form any other team's walk-through. We don't even film our own. We don't even want to see ourselves do anything, that's the pace that it's at. Regardless, I've never been a part of that."

Belichick also told the newspaper that in his "entire coaching career, I have never filmed a walk-through, our own. I've never been on a staff that has filmed a walk-through. I'm talking about when I was a head coach. As an assistant, I've never seen a head coach film a walk-through the day before a game."

Pioli told the newspaper Matt Walsh was terminated in January 2003 after discovering Walsh secretly tape recording conversations between himself and Walsh. Pioli told the newspaper he learned of the recorded conversations because "two other employees saw him doing it, and I checked after, and heard it on the tape myself."

Michael Levy, Walsh's lawyer, disputed Pioli's story on Sunday night and, after speaking with Walsh, called it a "complete fabrication."

"This is a predictable and pathetic effort to smear Mr. Walsh's character rather than confront the truth about the Patriots' conduct," Levy told the Globe.

Patriots spokesman Stacey James did not return phone calls or an e-mail seeking comment to The Associated Press on Sunday night.

Walsh, who was employed by the Patriots from 1996-2003, has suggested to that he has information that could be potentially damaging to the league and the Patriots. He has, to date, refused to provide specifics or turn over potential evidence without protection against potential lawsuits.

Levy had said Walsh would turn over his materials to the NFL if provided with complete indemnification by the league, but Levy recently stated the NFL has fallen short of his request, which if granted could protect Walsh from being sued.

The day before the Patriots' 17-14 loss to the New York Giants in this year's Super Bowl, the Boston Herald reported New England taped St. Louis' walk-through before the first of the Patriots' three Super Bowl victories.

Pioli told the Globe Walsh's job was an entry-level position.

I found out he was secretly tape recording our conversations and he was fired. There was never a confrontation. He was just released.

-- Pats VP of player personnel Scott Pioli on Matt Walsh, who has suggested he has damaging evidence
"He had come from video, so the first few months his job was to make highlight tapes of draft-eligible players, guys who were going to be free agents," Pioli said. "It's like the entry-level position that we have all the scouting assistants in. It's essentially the same job that I did 15 years ago, which was making copies, picking people up at the airport, data entry, more of the highlight tapes of the players, the draft-eligible guys."

Pioli said Walsh was not an "area scout" for the Patriots and that his relationship with Pioli ended abruptly.

"The job he was doing, there were two other guys doing it, so essentially the work he was doing wasn't up to the same level as the other people, in my opinion. However, I found out he was secretly tape recording our conversations and he was fired," Pioli said. "There was never a confrontation. He was just released."

In the Globe report, Belichick discussed the league's taping rules and bristled at references to "Spygate," saying what the Patriots taped was in plain sight to the public.

But Article 9 of the NFL Constitution & Bylaws states "any use by any club at any time, from the start to the finish of any game in which such club is a participant, of any communications or information-gathering equipment, other than Polaroid-type cameras or field telephones, shall be prohibited, including without limitation videotape machines, telephone tapping, or bugging devices, or any other form of electronic devices that might aid a team during the playing of a game."

During the season, Belichick was fined $500,000 and the Patriots were ordered to pay $250,000 for spying on an opponent's defensive signals.

Commissioner Roger Goodell also ordered the team to give up its first-round draft choice in 2008 if it reached the playoffs, or its second- and third-round picks if it missed the postseason.

The videotaping came to light after a camera was confiscated from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella while he was on the New York Jets' sideline during New England's 38-14 win Sept. 7, 2007 at Giants Stadium.

NFL security officials confiscated a camera and videotape from Estrella when it was suspected he was recording the Jets' defensive signals.

I respect the integrity of the game and always have and always will.

-- Bill Belichick
When New England was fined for the Jets' game, it was believed the Patriots' coaches were using the film to make halftime adjustments. Belichick told the Globe that was "never" the case while adding the impact of the tapes was "minimal" to the Patriots' preparations.

"On the tape of the signaling that we talk about, that film usually wasn't even completed until Thursday or Friday of the following week. It was that low of a priority," he said. "In other words, the video guys had so much other stuff to do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday getting ready for the other game, that a lot of times that film wasn't even processed until later in the week."

Regardless, Belichick apologized again for the Patriots' actions.

"I respect the integrity of the game and always have and always will," Belichick said. "I regret that any of this, or to whatever extent, it has in any way brought that into question or discussion or debate. The decision was made by the commissioner, the practice was immediately stopped, and we're not doing it.

"Just going back over the whole taping incident, if I contacted the league and asked them about the practice, I'm sure they would have told me -- as they have done -- that it is not permissible. Then I could have avoided all of this.

"I take responsibility for it. Even though I felt there was a gray area in the rule and I misinterpreted the rule, that was my mistake and we've been penalized for it. I apologize to everybody that is involved -- the league, the other teams, the fans, our team, for the amount of conversation and dialogue that it's caused.

"I misinterpreted the rule. The commissioner made his ruling and we've been penalized for it and tried to move on. But we're not really moving on because we're still here."

Belichick said he didn't address the Rams' walk-through issue sooner because he was trying to focus on the Patriots' games at hand.

"I wasn't comfortable talking about it earlier in the year because my No. 1 job is to win football games," he told the newspaper. "The more distractions there are, I think the harder it is to prepare. I thought the more conversation about this would just take away from what my primary job and our primary job is, which is to win football games.

"I felt like now, the season has been over for a couple weeks, there are certainly a lot of questions out there about it, I thought this would be the timely point to address it as opposed to during the season, at any point. Of course, it came up a number of times."


Hold onto the ball, Murray!
Dec 30, 2002
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Pittsburgh, PA--Enemy territory!
Whatever the truth is, Bellicheck still looks like a slick guy trying to get away with something. He played his cards close to his chest, never actually admitting anything, so now that things have gotten worse, he can step up and be the guy who admits stuff...that he's already been punished for. That doesn't mean he's guilty of this too, but it makes him look really bad.


Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Random thoughts:

Since teams usually update signals, why would anyone care about defensive signals other than to make halftime adjustments? So when he says that it was never used for halftime adjustments, I have to assume he is either incredibly wasteful/stupid or he is lying. And if he's willing to lie about that, why should I ever believe him?

He says he respects the integrity of the game, but teams were specifically told not to do exactly what he did. Again, is he just that stupid or is he lying?

Walsh's position was an entry level position? Show of hands please: how many of you have held entry level positions for seven years?

Reason for firing: If an employee is fired for a specific cause, don't most employers make diligent records of that cause? Don't they generally talk to an employee about transgressions? If the only thing they observed that caused them to fire Walsh was his secret recording of conversations, how did they tell him he was fired?

Karma won Super Box XLII. Now Karma needs to make Bill Bellichick an unemployed citizen.


Jan 16, 2007
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annapolis, md
Random thoughts:

Since teams usually update signals, why would anyone care about defensive signals other than to make halftime adjustments? So when he says that it was never used for halftime adjustments, I have to assume he is either incredibly wasteful/stupid or he is lying. And if he's willing to lie about that, why should I ever believe him?

He says he respects the integrity of the game, but teams were specifically told not to do exactly what he did. Again, is he just that stupid or is he lying?
Walsh's position was an entry level position? Show of hands please: how many of you have held entry level positions for seven years?
Reason for firing: If an employee is fired for a specific cause, don't most employers make diligent records of that cause? Don't they generally talk to an employee about transgressions? If the only thing they observed that caused them to fire Walsh was his secret recording of conversations, how did they tell him he was fired?
Karma won Super Box XLII. Now Karma needs to make Bill Bellichick an unemployed citizen.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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And, in other news, OJ Simpson's investigative team still finds him not guilty of double murder and is hot on the trail of the real murderer. The fact that his current girlfriend went to the ER with signs of a beating is just a coincidence or a new frame job.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
Since teams usually update signals, why would anyone care about defensive signals other than to make halftime adjustments? So when he says that it was never used for halftime adjustments, I have to assume he is either incredibly wasteful/stupid or he is lying. And if he's willing to lie about that, why should I ever believe him?

Job creation or trying to impress the head coach, by some A/V rookie?

He says he respects the integrity of the game, but teams were specifically told not to do exactly what he did. Again, is he just that stupid or is he lying?

those teams aren't stupid. He got busted , so they might have known the heat was being turned up around the league

Walsh's position was an entry level position? Show of hands please: how many of you have held entry level positions for seven years?

Might indicate that the Patriots are loyal to their employees and/or Walsh was a groupie/intern.

Reason for firing: If an employee is fired for a specific cause, don't most employers make diligent records of that cause? Don't they generally talk to an employee about transgressions? If the only thing they observed that caused them to fire Walsh was his secret recording of conversations, how did they tell him he was fired?

While he was listening in on a conversation he was secretly recording. Could be the doings of a disgruntled employee who could read the writing on the wall. Right now he is employed as an assistant teaching pro at a golf course. That would be another entry level position. Maybe he is trying to cash in.

Karma won Super Box XLII. Now Karma needs to make Bill Bellichick an unemployed citizen.

...and I can imagine every team, about to fire their coach, offering he and / or Scott Pioli jobs. Seems as if about 5 of his assistants are now HCs at the NFL and NCAA level.
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Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Job creation or trying to impress the head coach, by some A/V rookie?
That's not the excuse the team tried (remember, I'm not talking about Walsh here...I'm talking about September 2007), they admitted guilt but denied that they had any real purpose in cheating. How naive (or insert your own adjective here) does someone have to be to believe that they weren't cheating for the purpose of getting an unfair advantage?

those teams aren't stupid. He got busted , so they might have known the heat was being turned up around the league
I don't understand what you mean by "those teams." The only team caught in this scandal is the New England Patriots. I ask again. After being informed, in writing, by the league that taping his opponents would not be tolerated, how did taping them anyway show Bellichick's respect for the integrity of the game?

Might indicate that the Patriots are loyal to their employees and/or Walsh was a groupie/intern.
Wow. Do you even believe that?

While he was listening in on a conversation he was secretly recording. Could be the doings of a disgruntled employee who could read the writing on the wall. Right now he is employed as an assistant teaching pro at a golf course. That would be another entry level position. Maybe he is trying to cash in.
And if I had an employee who was secretly recording my conversations with him who was marginal already, I believe my first thought would be, "Let's fire him, but don't tell him why we're firing him, and certainly make sure you don't document what you're firing him for."

...and I can imagine every team, about to fire their coach, offering he and / or Scott Pioli jobs. Seems as if about 5 of his assistants are now HCs at the NFL and NCAA level.
Actually, I think he shouldn't simply be fired by the team. He should be suspended by the NFL. The lesson that cheating could cost $750,000 and a draft pick is a poor lesson at best. The team still got to reap the benefits of that cheating. The Patriots should lose a year of postseason eligibility. A penalty that severe would probably cause even Bellichick to reconsider cheating.

I'm not saying Bellichick only won because of cheating, but now we'll never know how much of his winning would have been different without cheating.

Keep in mind that Walsh still has the tapes he made. At some point, his demand for immunity will be honored, and those tapes will surface. This will get worse for the Patriots before it gets better.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2003
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The urban swamp
That's not the excuse the team tried (remember, I'm not talking about Walsh here...I'm talking about September 2007), they admitted guilt but denied that they had any real purpose in cheating. How naive (or insert your own adjective here) does someone have to be to believe that they weren't cheating for the purpose of getting an unfair advantage?

I don't understand what you mean by "those teams." The only team caught in this scandal is the New England Patriots. I ask again. After being informed, in writing, by the league that taping his opponents would not be tolerated, how did taping them anyway show Bellichick's respect for the integrity of the game?

Wow. Do you even believe that?

And if I had an employee who was secretly recording my conversations with him who was marginal already, I believe my first thought would be, "Let's fire him, but don't tell him why we're firing him, and certainly make sure you don't document what you're firing him for."

Actually, I think he shouldn't simply be fired by the team. He should be suspended by the NFL. The lesson that cheating could cost $750,000 and a draft pick is a poor lesson at best. The team still got to reap the benefits of that cheating. The Patriots should lose a year of postseason eligibility. A penalty that severe would probably cause even Bellichick to reconsider cheating.

I'm not saying Bellichick only won because of cheating, but now we'll never know how much of his winning would have been different without cheating.

Keep in mind that Walsh still has the tapes he made. At some point, his demand for immunity will be honored, and those tapes will surface. This will get worse for the Patriots before it gets better.

Why does anyone really care. They all " cheat " on some level. Whether it be juice or tapes, or during the game violations, et al. Yes I think Matt Walsh is a money grubber with a vendetta, but I really don't give a crap.

To think that the NFL doesn't want it all to go away, due to the depth of it by the whole league, then that would be naive. So rather than go further into minute detail about all of your issues, I will just say it ain't any BFD and just like the Hon. Attorney Willie Gary, who is suing the Patriots because his newphew was on the losing Rams, Mr. Walsh is looking for a paycheck and /or his day of celebrity.

Oh and Arlen Specter needs to go looking for the Magic Bullet or something more constructive. House judiciary committee has no business in this.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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He says he respects the integrity of the game, but teams were specifically told not to do exactly what he did. Again, is he just that stupid or is he lying?

Without a doubt a liar. This whole "I didnt know I was doing wrong" is an out right lie. He knew he was doing wrong or he wouldnt have dressed his camera man in Jets colors so he wouldnt get noticed. He put his camera man in camo pretty much. He knew exactly hat he was doing and knew exactly that it was wrong.


Rise from the Ashes III
Mar 23, 2005
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Bakersfield, CA
Why does anyone really care. They all " cheat " on some level.
That's quite a blanket statement. I, for one, don't think Larry Fitzgerald cheats. Or Tony Dungy. Or...well, you get the point.


Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
And I don't buy the "everybody cheats" defense. If everybody cheats, then everybody needs to be punished. Yes, I know the NFL just wants this to go away, and if Arlen Specter didn't get involved, it probably would just go away. Shame on Roger Goodell for joining in the cover-up.

As to Specter having better things to do, I suspect he does plenty, but since so many people care about this, it's all you hear about. About 3% of congress sits on the committee that grilled Roger Clemens about steroid and HGH use, but to watch the news, you would assume that the only thing going on in Washington was that hearing.

Football is important to the country. Municipalities invest huge sums of money in sports facilities. Tax bases depend on the income of sporting events to support infrastructure. In exchange, our government has ceded certain rights to the uppermost leagues to assist in their success. It is in the public interest to keep those people honest.


Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Bringing this back to the Cardinals, if "everbody cheats," and the Cardinals are certainly part of "everbody," what evidence has been found of the Cardinals cheating?


Rise from the Ashes III
Mar 23, 2005
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Bakersfield, CA
Lloydian, I agree with your points and enjoy your signature progression. However, I don't like how you finished it up. 8-8 and feeling gre...okay, pretty good. The Card's fought through a lot of adversity and change to improve to .500 last year. Certainly some disappointments but a positive year, especially compared to the Denny years.


Jun 10, 2002
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Why does anyone really care. They all " cheat " on some level. Whether it be juice or tapes, or during the game violations, et al. Yes I think Matt Walsh is a money grubber with a vendetta, but I really don't give a crap.



Apr 16, 2004
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I heard Bellichek minimizing his transgression by saying he never looked at the tape of coaches signals at the game where it was taped. I guess that means he looked at it after the game.

Back in the 80s the Soviet Union ran this spy ring with John Walker and his family. The USSR was interested in US Navy communications security. As I recall the USSR was not interested in current crypto codes. They wanted the obsolete stuff. The reason for that was supposedly they wanted to figure out US methodology for creating code and equipment so that they could build their own gear for future US code.

So just because Belichek says he wasnt using it that particular game where it was taped did not mean it was not of value to Belichek.


Grey haired old Bird
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May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
This is what is happening to Belichick:

And he earned it.


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Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Lloydian, I agree with your points and enjoy your signature progression. However, I don't like how you finished it up. 8-8 and feeling gre...okay, pretty good. The Card's fought through a lot of adversity and change to improve to .500 last year. Certainly some disappointments but a positive year, especially compared to the Denny years.
I understand. You have to realize that the rule I followed required that, as the season went on, I did not allow myself to change the text I had already written. And when I got to that point, it was following a second consecutive road loss, and to the Saints who were not (in my opinion) the Cardinals' equal last year. I was a bit bummed. This also ties in with a running gag between my father and me. Whenever the Cardinals lose, if someone asked how the game went, I'd answer that I hate football. If they won, I'd tell them how much I love football.

I plan to change to an offseason one next month. I'm much happier now, and curiously, it relates to the Patriots. All the frustration of the season, in my mind, was fermented in the cosmic error of rewarding the cheaters with the most amazing stat in NFL history. And then came the Super Bowl. Do I need more pain to visit the Patriots? No, but I'm pleased just the same.

For the record, before Spygate, I kind of rooted for the Patriots when it didn't impact Arizona. I'm all better now.
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Rise from the Ashes III
Mar 23, 2005
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Bakersfield, CA
That's cool, thanks for the explanation. I'm just giving you a little jab more than anything. I just thought it was kind of funny that the sig is so optimistic until the very last one.

I can't say I feel your pain or even empathize with you in regards to the Patriots. I enjoyed the Super Bowl more than just about any other and I don't even like Eli.


Jun 15, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
That's cool, thanks for the explanation. I'm just giving you a little jab more than anything. I just thought it was kind of funny that the sig is so optimistic until the very last one.
Truthfully, there was a hint of hope in that last one as well. Every line before that one had an attitude of "things are better than they seem." The last one gave no room for things getting worse. I don't know what I would have done if Atlanta or St. Louis had managed to beat us.

But a variation of that roller coaster has defined my life for 20 years now (grew up in Dallas as a Cowboys fan, adopted the Cardinals when they moved here). I'm just looking forward to next year being the year they finally turn the corner.

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