Melvin is an idiot. Let's see. Padres already won. D-Backs JUST took the lead 5-3 after being asleep all night at the plate. What do you do?
Pena: 1st pitch, hit batter. Runner on first.
Pena: 1st pitch, 6 feet high (Ball one). 2nd pitch, bounces 4 feet in front of the plate, (ball two). 3rd and 4th....same result. runners on first and second.
Me? I pull Pena NOW. He obviously doesn't have it tonight and the Padres have already won. Melvin? uhhhhhhh, hey better get Lyon warmed up.
Pena: Home run to Randy Winn. Giants take the lead 6-5.
Melvin? Stand there and twitch, pick face, cross arms, piss pants.
Pena: Gives up a double.
Melvin? Hmmmmmmm, maybe I should do something. Aw, the heck with it. Pena will pull it together. He's my boy. Besides, what's a little hit batter, walk on 4 pitches, home run, and a double? Just a string of bad luck.
Pena: Gives up ANOTHER home run. (Eric Byrnes has now hit Melvin over the head with a 34 oz. bat and made the call to the bullpen). Melvin lies on the dugout out floor twitching, picking face, crossing arms, and pissing pants.
Enter Nippert. Retires the Giants with no further harm done.
Melvin is a genius.