Bruce Bowen To Remove His Knife From Steve Nash’s Ribs On the Next Possession


Feb 4, 2007
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Bruce Bowen To Remove His Knife From Steve Nash’s Ribs On the Next Possession

San Antonio Spurs forward Bruce Bowen says he will remove the switchblade he just plunged into Steve Nash’s ribs on Phoenix’s next trip down the court.

“I only meant to give him a quick puncture wound, but it stuck in a rib bone and I wasn’t immediately able to remove it,” said Bowen while running down the court on offense. “Next time I’m guarding him, though, I’ll pull it out. The longer it stays in, the more people will notice it and I could get in trouble. The NBA lets me get away with a lot, but a stabbing? I don’t know if I want to press my luck. I’ve stabbed a lot of opponents in my career – I’ve maced a lot, too; even shot a guy once – but all those were done out of the sight of the officials. But this is different. My knife is in plain view hanging out of the side of the back-to-back MVP.”

Bowen says it might take a good bit of effort to get the knife out of Nash’s side.

“He’s bleeding everywhere, so the handle will be slippery,” said Bowen. “Plus, it’s really in there good. I think it’s all the way into the marrow. I’ll probably have to knock him to the ground with an elbow, and then put one of my feet on him to get some leverage to pull the knife out. I just wish I was more accurate with my stab. I meant to get flesh and organs, not bone. A bone puncture never killed anyone.”

Nash, jogging back to defend San Antonio’s Tony Parker, says he didn’t even notice the switchblade jutting out of his side until it was pointed out to him by teammate Leandro Barbosa.

“I played hockey growing up in Canada,” says Nash. “This is nothing. I once was decapitated by a slash and still finished out my shift and even set up a goal on a sweet no-look pass. So a knife in a rib bone? Please. That’s nothing. This won’t affect my play at all.”

Although – perhaps distracted by the knife, the pain, or talking – Nash quickly let Tony Parker dribble past him for a lay-up. But with San Antonio scoring, Phoenix now has the ball again and Bowen will try to remove his knife from the torso of the Suns star.

“Actually, I’m going to wait a bit,” says Bowen. “Maybe the blade sitting in his side for a while will give him some sort of infection or something. But I’m definitely going to pull it out by the end of the quarter. I’m planning to slice Amare Stoudemire’s Achilles with it in the second half.”


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
As soon as the trainer got up to check on Nash, the entire Suns team was suspended for 10 games.


Sep 16, 2002
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City of Angels
Why am I surprised we won’t even see a flagrant foul called much less a suspension for this latest assault on Nash? It’s the league’s fault this has gotten so out of hand. What’s next - is Bowen going to start lobbing sticks of lit dynamite during Nash’s next ally-oop to Marion if it appears the Suns have a shot at winning? The Spurs just get dirtier and more desperate with each game…