I know Im going to sound like a PC crybaby, but I think its important to point something out. This board (not everyone, obviously, and probably all fans to some degree) LOVES to use perjorative terms when they are unhappy with a players performance. As we all get older, and the world starts to pass us by, I urge you all to try and start progressing your vocabulary and disclude these types of terms. Cant we just say undersized, rather than midget? Can we stop with the hobbit jokes, and all of that? The low hanging fruit humor is just getting a bit over the top for me. Using one group of people's perceived imperfection (in this case height) as a way to knock someone else is not only childish toward the person you are critiquing, but can be devastating to the person ( or group of people) that you use as the barometer for your critique.
Up your game, please. Can't we just critique without the name calling, and the usage of archaic language? Can't we just be better people?
Thank you.