Cardinals' Roster Prediction V.4: The Offense


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Last night's game was a great deal of fun to watch---but I worry that it was a trap game in that the Cardinals' FO and coaching staff will do what they usually do---sit tight with the players they already have.

This at a time when over 1,000 players will become available in the next day and a half---and a potentially fortuitous time when many other starting caliber players will be up for sale via trades.

The current roster is vulnerable at RB, OLB, CB and S---and therefore placing a good deal of stock into last night's game performances versus a hapless set of 2nd and 3rd string Broncos, is not the wise choice---not with this team's vulnerabilities and the schedule it begins to prepare for.

QB (3): 4-Kolb, 2-Bartel, 19-Skelton.

Does anyone have a clear sense of Kevin Kolb's handle of the offense?

What Richard Bartel has done, imo, is not only win the #2 job, but has put himself in line to play if Kolb struggles. What Bartel is doing much more consistently than Kolb is stepping up into the pocket. Kolb, on the other hand, is showing the propensity to flush out of the pocket too quickly, which causes him to run wide and backward---which creates a broken play with little opportunity to do anything other than throw the ball away (which he hasn't done on a couple of occasions where he elected to take 12 yard sacks instead).

I've been saying we need to be patient with Kolb---but this type of tendency in his game is a cause for concern.

Bartel, at times last night, looked Aaron Rodgers-esque, as he was throwing tight spiraled ropes with plenty of grease. The one mistake he made was the one he needs to correct and that is trying to make throws off his back foot. When Bartel is moving his feet forward and squaring up he is impressive---and his pre-season stats show it:

37/54 68.5% 530 yards (9.8 ypa) 5-2 TD-int 110.0 QB rating.

John Skelton's issues are not pocket or back foot related, as he is unflappable and extremely strong in the face of pressure---the question with him has been his timing. This year he looks a great deal more decisive and accurate.

RB (3): 26-Wells; 36-Stephens-Howling; 46-Smith

Beanie Wells is feeling his way this pre-season and showing progress. Clearly he is at his best when he is running the 37 (outside the LT). No team in the pre-season was able to stop that play. But teams will now have to make that one of their keys.

We saw LSH's value to the offense last night, and that is as a pass receiving RB. Get him the ball in space and he will juke and bolt his way for chunk RACs.

While the Cardinals will very possibly tell us they will wait for week 2 to add a veteran RB (so they won't have to pay a guaranteed contract), they cannot afford to wait. The Hyphen is not a viable option as a #2 RB.

Alphonso Smith hasn't played in two weeks---and is still eligible for the PS. That said, they probably will simply keep Smith, and wait.

William Powell is slippery---but doesn't hit the hole fast enough, nor does he have the strength to consistently push the ball forward. Loved the way he switched the ball over to his left hand on his longest scamper up the left sideline, however. We haven't seen a lot of that around here in recent years.

FB (1): 35-Sherman.

What's hard to understand---why the coaches played so much of Maui'a and so little of Sherman. Sherman was kicking total you know what on his blocks the past two games. Maui'a has been solid---but he's not as fast to the blocks as Sherman and he misses too often as a result. Sending him out on out passes rather than keeping him in to protect is also a head scratcher.

But I loved the Giant Panda bump from behind that he received from Deuce Lutui last night!

TE (4): 86-Heap, 87-King; 84-Housler; 81-Dray.

Dray's pec strain might be a factor in the decision here as Whiz has always loved Stephen Spach. Spach played very well last night---but---he's been a mistake waiting to happen in games---missed blocks, jumping off-sides, etc.

Dray is a better player and is one of the better ST players.

WR (6): 11-Fitzgerald; 12-Roberts; 89-Sampson; 85-Doucet; 17-Stuckey; 18-S. Williams.

The fastest riser here is Sampson.

Stuckey solidified his roster spot last night with a 4/99/1 TD performance.

It's possible that the coaches could let go of Stephen Williams---due to the ups and downs of his play. But, that might be a mistake. Once he gets his mind right, he could be very good.

The guy here with potential trade value is Doucet---especially now that he's healthy. The team already has two other slot type WRs in Roberts and Stuckey---so if the Cardinals can get a good defensive player in return, chances are Doucet won't be back next year anyway.

The WR to feel bad for is isaiah Williams. He's had such a good pre-season and last night he could have made a stunning TD catch had he not been tackled before the ball arrived---which somehow didn't even draw a flag. Williams has bounced around a little---does he have another year's eligibility for the PS? Anyone know?

Aaron Nichols opened some eyes last night with his outstanding leaping Fitz-type catch and run up the right sideline. Man, the Cardinals know how to scout WRs, don't they?

One of the most encouraging aspects of the pre-season has been Mike Miller's passing game. he's developed it very well, especially to include an added emphasis on hitting the TEs.

OL (8): 75-Brown; 71-Colledge; 63-Sendlein; 70-Hadnot; 74-Keith; 62-Claxton; 76-Lutui; 73-Bridges.

One of the most impressive aspects of this pre-season has been the play of the second offensive line. They looked better, stronger and more cohesive than the first team. Their pass protection, in particular, was consistently good.

The player that I keyed on all pre-season was LT D'Anthony Batiste. In the beginning I wasn't expecting much (we had yet to see him play as a Cardinal)---and what I saw snap after snap was remarkably impressive. Not only did he stonewall the edge rushers repeatedly, go and watch this kid down block. Last night he caved in, rolled and pancaked the DT on several occasions. His lower body strength and control is the best I've seen from a LT since Whiz arrived.

Yet---they will probably cut him---

As is the case with Deuce Lutui---Whiz was even saying last night that Lutui still had much to prove---but---when you watch the tapes, the dude is playing his tail off and getting excellent results. No lineman on the team intimidates the opponents the way Deuce does. Rex Hadnot has been solid---but Deuce is clearly the stronger player.

Was a little disappointed with Jeremy Bridges at times---he was the one player on the 2nd line who was a little out of sync. And the chip on his shoulder isn't helping him. He needs to settle down and execute. Brandon Keith has started to do just that.

The jury is still out on Daryn Colledge---he's the new Reggie Wells---a LG who---because he is light on his feet---looks better suited to playing tackle. Pork Chop Womack is a better run blocker.

And having watched and compared Lyle Sendelin with Ben Claxton, there are times, especially in the running game where Claxton looks stronger. Claxton has had a very good pre-season.

The Best Offensive Lineup Based on Pre-Season Performances and Displays of Talent (and not paying attention to hype or expectations):

QB Bartel
RB Wells
FB Sherman
TE Heap,
Ts Batiste, Keith
Gs Lutui, Hadnot
C Sendlein/Claxton (tie)
WRs Fitzgerald, Sampson, Roberts, Housler
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Apr 30, 2003
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Does anyone have a clear sense of Kevin Kolb's handle of the offense?

I do!

Kolb has been in the Cardinals system for all of 31 days. How much of a handle can the guy get in that time. Looks pretty good for a guy with that much of a lack of preparation.

Look better than Leinart who had years of prep, and Anderson who had 10? 20? times as much time to learn the offense.


Apr 30, 2003
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Lutui ?

Wow he had a good game last night. Yes, it was against camp fodder, but if I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, if you are supposed to dominate people who lack the talent to compete, then do so. And he did.

DeMarco Sampson - I do not see what he has done that makes him a lock for this squad. It seems like he is getting a free ride for some reason. No where near the size people talked about, and has played about as good as some other WR that have been healthy and improved during camp.


7 x 70
Dec 31, 2004
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Can't believe I'm saying this, but.... the QB position will be the LEAST of our issues this season, and probably for quite some time to come! Wow that feels GREAT just typing those words!!!!

The issues for this team are fairly consistent with years past:

- Can we develop an effective, useful run game. I am sooooooo not sold on Beanie. He's got a ton of proving to do before I crown his arse!!

- Can we get to the opposing QB. Seeing some signs that could indicate we just might have the beginnings of a decent pass rush. Talent and scheme(coaching) seem to be coming together - though, I say this in the context of camp and preseason. I am still very skeptical about this teams ability to present a consistent pass rush that can become a weapon.

I think we are fine, or, way better than fine in just about every other key area.

-Oline looks solid and is supported by some actual depth! Who would've thunk it!

- WR position looks solid and again, we appear to have some depth here when we all thought we were in desperate need of making a move for a #2!

- TE position is very solid.

- FB position is extremely solid!

We will certainly be tested in our defensive backfield... so a pass rush is simply a MUST HAVE. Hope Horton can dial something up that can take the pressure of our DB's....


Jun 10, 2002
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I do!

Kolb has been in the Cardinals system for all of 31 days. How much of a handle can the guy get in that time. Looks pretty good for a guy with that much of a lack of preparation.

Look better than Leinart who had years of prep, and Anderson who had 10? 20? times as much time to learn the offense.

Kolb is CKW QB mistake #3. Bartel, who didn't have the benefit of playing for Andy Reid for 4 years or Art Briles in Houston, doesn't seem to need the "he hasn't had enough time excuse".


Jun 10, 2002
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Lutui ?

Wow he had a good game last night. Yes, it was against camp fodder, but if I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, if you are supposed to dominate people who lack the talent to compete, then do so. And he did.

DeMarco Sampson - I do not see what he has done that makes him a lock for this squad. It seems like he is getting a free ride for some reason. No where near the size people talked about, and has played about as good as some other WR that have been healthy and improved during camp.

Exactly. If the Cards dump Lutui it really indicates that the Cards will remain a finesse team and play soft and give up whenever the going gets rough. A typical NFL West team.

We need more guys like Lutui not fewer. So what if he comes in out of shape? He knocks defenders out of shape on Sundays and that is all that matters.


Aug 14, 2006
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Mitch-----you rule-----This offense is solid, deep, and driven. We have some elite talent, a lot of solid talent, a lot of motor, and a lot of want to on this unit. Best of all, they have come together as a unit already, and appear to be ready to take on the schedule. I am liking the attitude that I see on this group, and I absolutely love the depth everywhere except at RB. That is fixable, maybe tomorrow.


ASFN Addict
Aug 11, 2002
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Scarsdale, NY
Mitch, agree with just about everything, but especially the WR's. I'm also sad to see Isaiah Williams cut, assuming he will be. Hope he's on the PS.


Frank Kaminsky is my Hero.
Apr 2, 2005
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South Bay
Welcome back, Mitch! Hope all is well with you and yours.

You're correct about Bartel and Skelton. Bartel played like a man possessed in the preseason and Skelton unfortunately had a bum ankle. That hurt him more ways than one. It is conveivable that Skelton remains the #2 so he can get limited reps with the 1st stringers to further develop. But IMO, the more prepared is Bartel. However I don't think he will supplant Kolb at all unless there is an injury. Kolb has made some throws against good defenses that convince me he is on the right track, while Bartel has done a great job decimating #2s and #3s.

I also don't think Sampson is the #3 yet. Like Skelton, Sampson's injury has set him back in his development and pushed him back on the depth chart. In addition, Doucet has performed well in preseason. You're probably going to see Doucet #3, Stuckey #4 and S. Williams and Sampson switching back and forth.

As for RB, I think we take a guy off waivers next week and he is automatically inserted as the #2 to Wells. LSH is nothing more than a Scat back. Alphonso may prove me wrong, but right now, our only hope is Beanie carrying the ball 20+ times per game to make this running game a threat.

Good write up


Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
I pretty much agree with your roster across the board Mitch...I do think the team will look very hard at the final cuts for an upgrade at back up RB. Like you said the team may try to wait to find that player but they shouldn't.

I didn't like the Stuckey signing but I liked what I saw of him last night, he first caught my eye blocking downfield on a Stephen Williams reception and he made his defender a complete non-factor.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
Most important part of Mitch's post is that he's back and evidently safe and sound.

PS We got power back on 1 pm yesterday (Thurs.). Yay!


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ

My nickname for him is "Toothpaste" (because he can squeeze thru small openings.

His style is kind of "Ryan Williams Lite" & Wiz could prefer his fit within the offense over A Smith's harder-nosed inside running style.

Both are good protecting the ball. Powell has proved durable enough to carry 30 or more times a game.

Significant Powell drawback is his tendency to hit a closed hole too upright; but he's shown he can run with a lower pad level- he just has to learn to do this more consistently.

Fit, ST play and PS eligibility may prove to be the deciding factors between Powell and Smith. That plus pass blocking & receiving.
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Sep 24, 2002
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Fort Myers
My nickname for him is "Toothpaste" (because he can squeeze thru small openings.

His style is kind of "Ryan Williams Lite" & Wiz could prefer his fit within the offense over A Smith's harder-nosed inside running style.

Both are good protecting the ball. Powell has proved durable enough to carry 30 or more times a game.

Significant Powell drawback is his tendency to hit a closed hole too upright; but he's shown he can run with a lower pad level- he just has to learn to do this more consistently.

Fit, ST play and PS eligibility may prove to be the deciding factors between Powell and Smith.

Or talent, Powell averaged barely over 6 feet a carry last night against back ups. He is not a good player, he wasn't good enough to start at K State he isn't good enough to back up in Arizona.

Vermont Maverick

Apr 24, 2006
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Williston, Vermont
The obsession with the backup QB begins...

I like Bartel just like the next guy. As the backup or 3rd. Remember what we did to Denver last year - and that wasn't against their 2nd and 3rds. That team stinks.

Besides that, some nice points Mitch. The second team OL has looked good, and Duece was a beast, Maui'a has played a lot. Good points on Stuckey and S. Williams. I also like Batiste at T - note that he moved from LT to RT with the 3's late in the game.

You have Sampson as #2 WR, a fast riser? He hasn't played in the last two games. Can't agree with that high of an assessment, though there sounds like some good upside there.

I predict we keep both FBs. I don't know why everyone thinks we are keeping 4 TEs. Have we ever done that? Just because we finally have 3 good ones, why does that mean we need to choose between Dray and Spach to keep a 4th? Just because that is a necessary evil every year? I'll never forget the catch Spach made to seal the Atlanta victory, but it's time to go. Pick him back up later in the year if needed - no one is picking him up.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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I think both Hadnot and Lutui have played very well. In fact I think they have played just as well as each other, same level performance from the both of them. Be happy to see either one of them start, good problem to have.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Mitch, did you notice the play of Cyril Obiozor and Will Davis last night? It would be nice if we could find a spot for both of them.

I agree with you that the second team this year has almost as much talent as the first stringers. We have alot of depth in a lot of areas which is very Un-Cardinal like. I like the direction this team is headed in.


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
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i remember keeping 6 TE's one year, I think it was 07 when we only kept 2 QB's and paid for it, Rookie HC mistake, expect it again.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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i remember keeping 6 TE's one year, I think it was 07 when we only kept 2 QB's and paid for it, Rookie HC mistake, expect it again.

We kept 4 TE's that year - Patrick, Pope, Euhus, and Bienemann.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
The obsession with the backup QB begins...

I like Bartel just like the next guy. As the backup or 3rd. Remember what we did to Denver last year - and that wasn't against their 2nd and 3rds. That team stinks.

Besides that, some nice points Mitch. The second team OL has looked good, and Duece was a beast, Maui'a has played a lot. Good points on Stuckey and S. Williams. I also like Batiste at T - note that he moved from LT to RT with the 3's late in the game.

You have Sampson as #2 WR, a fast riser? He hasn't played in the last two games. Can't agree with that high of an assessment, though there sounds like some good upside there.

I predict we keep both FBs. I don't know why everyone thinks we are keeping 4 TEs. Have we ever done that? Just because we finally have 3 good ones, why does that mean we need to choose between Dray and Spach to keep a 4th? Just because that is a necessary evil every year? I'll never forget the catch Spach made to seal the Atlanta victory, but it's time to go. Pick him back up later in the year if needed - no one is picking him up.

We have to be obsessed with backup QBs that's all we have. :D

Bartel was also 8 of 10 with a TD against San Diego. Remember what San Diego did to us last year?


Captain of Team Conner
Jul 21, 2002
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Charlotte, NC
I think both Hadnot and Lutui have played very well. In fact I think they have played just as well as each other, same level performance from the both of them. Be happy to see either one of them start, good problem to have.

Yep, which is why Hadnot, a guy who doesn't show up to camp at nearly 400 lbs will start.

Lutui played extremely well last night, BUT he played most of the game so it's easier to evaluate his performance.

Mitch: You're totally wrong on your WR depth chart. The one Mike Jurecki put out on Twitter is the one we'll see at least this season:

Larry Fitz, Andre Roberts, Early Doucet, Chansi Stuckey, Stephen Williams, Sampson.

Sampson is not going to be the 3rd receiver, and he'll only play if one of the top 5 are ineffective or hurt. Why trade Doucet? Doucet has played very well this preseason, IMO better than Roberts. Roberts is the #2 because he'll line up wide, whereas Doucet will be manning the slot.

Outside of Levi Brown, I'm liking what I see from this oline. Colledge has been up and down, but I attribute that to playing next to Levi "Can't block my grandma" Brown. Sendlein is solid; IMO our best lineman overall. Hadnot has been steady, showing nice chemistry with Keith and Sendlein, which is what you look for in a guard.

Keith played very well last night, he's not our best lineman right now, but I predict he will be by the end of the year. He has elite feet for such a large man, and he has a nasty streak in the run game. The only part he struggles with is the mental side at times, but he can learn.

And lets not forget the depth. With Lutui and Bridges on the bench, we've got two potential lineman that can play a few positions. Lutui may unseat Hadnot soon, but Hadnot doesn't deserve to ride the pine IMO>

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