VH1 Reality show mixing celebrities and magic...
Hosted by magician Jonathan Levit, celebrity contestants are taught different genres of magic guided by veteran magicians David Regal, Murray Sawchuck, Derek Hughes, Silly Billy, Asi Wind, Simon Lovell and Rocco Silano. Competitors are judged by two magicians, Max Maven and Jeff McBride, who determine which celebrities gets to advance to the next round and a shot at a $100,000 grand prize provided by Ellusionist Magic Trick Training.
C. Thomas Howell (Actor)
Lisa Ann Walter (Actress and comedienne)
Hal Sparks (Actor and comedian)
Christopher "Kid" Reid (Actor, comedian, and rapper)
Ant (Actor and comedian)
Kimberly Wyatt Murray (Singer/Dancer of Pussycat Dolls)
Carnie Wilson (Singer)
Hosted by magician Jonathan Levit, celebrity contestants are taught different genres of magic guided by veteran magicians David Regal, Murray Sawchuck, Derek Hughes, Silly Billy, Asi Wind, Simon Lovell and Rocco Silano. Competitors are judged by two magicians, Max Maven and Jeff McBride, who determine which celebrities gets to advance to the next round and a shot at a $100,000 grand prize provided by Ellusionist Magic Trick Training.
C. Thomas Howell (Actor)
Lisa Ann Walter (Actress and comedienne)
Hal Sparks (Actor and comedian)
Christopher "Kid" Reid (Actor, comedian, and rapper)
Ant (Actor and comedian)
Kimberly Wyatt Murray (Singer/Dancer of Pussycat Dolls)
Carnie Wilson (Singer)