The forum says: "Talk about ASU, UofA, and Nau. Let the smalk talk begin!" Get over it, buddy.
First, I really don't consider what I was saying 'talking sh-t' about ASU. I even said that ASU would finish above UA in football next year. Take a poll of ASU fans and they'll tend to agree with me on the sorry state of your athletic program and its coaches in revenue-producing sports. If you're bitter because it's a UofA fan saying it, then you're going to have to deal with it. You should know, which I've pointed out before, that I root for ASU against everybody except UofA. I want ASU-UA to be on the same level as USC-UCLA or Texas-Oklahoma. It's not that cool cheering for the rights to 9th place of the Pac10. Both schools need to figure it out, it's just that it seems like UofA has seemed to try and take those steps while ASU has lagged.
And in case you forgot, I can gloat right now considering UofA is in the CWS. God knows we'd have to hear about it if ASU was there. So get back to me in the fall when you have some ammunition.
I don't see how you don't see the similarity in my analogy. McGinnis might be a little too harsh for Koetter though, DK's not that bad. Gregg Williams would probably be a better analogy.
Williams & Koetter - experienced HCs with a mediocre track records as HCs.
Lewis & Stoops - inexperienced HCs with excellent track records as coordinators and asst. head coaches