Wass that Floki from Vikings I saw in there?
Indeed--he played Merlin!
So, this show was...what's a good description? A roller coaster of quality? Scattered? Hmm. Overall it was entertaining, and as I was looking to be entertained, awesome! The production quality was fantastic, and the acting was good. Ditto the directing.
Unfortunately, the narrative was all all over the place. It's like the writer's room kept say, "But let's throw THIS in too. Ooh, and THIS! And this!" At times it gave it a B-movie feel, but with the other quality and the trying to be serious, that REALLY didn't work.
Then the convenience factor. She's in mortal danger! Except, um, we want to be dramatic, so we'll just pause the mortal danger for a few minutes, but LO! It's still there! Or especially in a battlefield moment. Baddie kills good guy. Main character falls to good guy, cradles him, tells him he can't die, takes a solid minute and a half of screen time...and then stands up to face the baddie WHO IS STILL STANDING RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE to fight him. It's not like these are isolated moments, either. There are dozens of them.
Ugh! Could've been so good. Floki as Merlin was a win. But the finale? A hodgepodge of "Oh FFS, come on!" awfulness. Overall it's maybe a 6/10.