Curt - My most memorable EQ and EQ2 moments usually center around laughter. So many late night sessions, things that made me bust out laughing out loud at 3am are things I remember. Drow's original Gunny, one night he was foraging, talking trash on guildies and in chat and splat, falls off a cliff and dies, laughed for 30 minutes at that one. Another one was when one of our original Coercers, Obms, was killed to the point of nakedness during an early Maidens Gulch Raid. It was like 2am, we just wipe for the 6-7th time, I turn around and there's a naked ratonga, emoting left and right about covering himself and yelling in ooc not to look. Spur of the moment stuff like that I remember. I also remember Amaryllia and Locke basically table dancing in front of a DROW recruit in EFP, then I get a tell from that person with something like "Dude where can I sign up and does that come with membership"?
MaoTosiFanClub said:Schilling never did miss an opportunity to talk to a media outlet. Even if it is one that is only read by 45 year old virgins who live in their parent's basement.
No offense to anyone that plays EverQuest of course.
WastedFate said:Another thing.
I wonder if his guild mates know who he really is?
Mickey said:He plays a defiler named Ngruk in a guild called Drow on Unrest server. It's a low end guild that strives to be good but, they have poor management and Curt does some really crazy stuff, from what all the ex-Drow people say. The stuff they say about him is not good at all. They think they are something great though. It's really funny. A LOT of players have left to form other guilds but, there are those that still stay so they can kiss his butt and get stuff. They all know who he is.
SOE just loves him though and there are developers in the guild with him and some lead developers are all buddy buddy with him. If he wants something done, he just calls up his buddies.
There was this one time, there was this new zone that opened up and it has a 6 day lockout timer on it. Once you go in and start killing stuff, that's it for 6 days once you leave. Well, after 10 hours of trying to beat it, the servers came down for their daily maintenance. Well, he calls up his buddies and get them all zoned in the next night, bypassing the 6 day lockout that everyone else on all the servers had to deal with. Talk about making enemies. He is not a well liked person by many people there, especially ex-Drow and current ones.
He gets special favors. It's a corrupt world out there while other players have to do things for themselves without help from outside sources. That's ok, we like winning the right way though.
dogpoo32 said:At least you have the right attitude about it. Must be kinda funny...
"That guy has 2 World Series rings, but my gear is better."
How does everyone know who he is? Did he tell them? That would be pretty arrogant and I would not put it past him.