The problem
The DBacks expansion brethren are fresh off a sweep of their 1998 counterpart and in the midst of quite a run. Since talking about the DBacks right now is abut as fun as syphillis, I though I'd start a thread about Tampa Bay and get some good baseball talk going if anyone wanted to join.
Both teams followed the same model, but where TB screwed up in making bad deals such as Greg Vaughn, Vinnie Cashstealer, Crime Dog, Canseco, Wilson Alvarez, etc., the DBacks prospered under good deals like Randy Johnson, Luis Gonzalez, Matt Williams, Jay Bell, etc. Both teams, seemingly out of money are in the rebuilding process right now.
Which team do you think will make the playoffs next? Will either contend for a World Series before the end of the decade? Whose shoes would you rather be in looking to the future?
Both teams followed the same model, but where TB screwed up in making bad deals such as Greg Vaughn, Vinnie Cashstealer, Crime Dog, Canseco, Wilson Alvarez, etc., the DBacks prospered under good deals like Randy Johnson, Luis Gonzalez, Matt Williams, Jay Bell, etc. Both teams, seemingly out of money are in the rebuilding process right now.
Which team do you think will make the playoffs next? Will either contend for a World Series before the end of the decade? Whose shoes would you rather be in looking to the future?