I have two sets of rechargable batteries for my digital camera. I had them both charged fully, and then put one set in the camera.
I took only about 10 photos with it, and connected it to the computer's USB port to upload the photos.
I never unplugged it from the computer, but the camera was turned off.
I took it camping this weekend, and when i turned it on, the batteries were dead in about 30 seconds.
The question is, does leaving a camera plugged into a USB port, despite the camera being turned off, drain the batteries???
I took only about 10 photos with it, and connected it to the computer's USB port to upload the photos.
I never unplugged it from the computer, but the camera was turned off.
I took it camping this weekend, and when i turned it on, the batteries were dead in about 30 seconds.
The question is, does leaving a camera plugged into a USB port, despite the camera being turned off, drain the batteries???