joe, i have watched these guys. they are system players. they run the plays that they are given from sloan and that is it. the problems that come up are those of teams that watch the tapes and start to make changes that will brake up the play. stockton and malone had the skill to deal with this and recover from it. the current jazz guards dont. next year teams will come in knowing how to deal with them before hand with this team being very well scouted. last year the jazz started out hot and burned down to an ember by the end of the season because of teams learning how to deal with them. this year there wont be a lot of time where they will shock anyone with their hard play and work, teams will come in expecting it. they will ready to face the jazz. also i have heard some people say that the jazz (if they get boozer) will have a post player that they have been missing. boozer isnt a post player he is a midrange player who has a small post game that wont work well in the west with amare, webber, garrnet, brand and duncan.