OK ASFN has been around for 11 years so it's time. To make the HOF a person has to have posted on ASFN, no matter how frequently, and have done something special as a fan. If you want to nominate someone go ahead but be sure to include what they've done away from ASFN to make them Hall of Fame worthy.
Of course the automatic entries are:
Skorpion who I had the pleasure of hoisting many a cold brew with at the Vine and at his tailgate at SDS. Kept the site going and never missed a game.
King of Cards who you could hear bashing opposing fans all the way across the stadium at SDS and was a riot at the half time meets.
Jstadvl aka Jumbotron Eddie. Who purposely bought season tickets on the Sunny Side of SDS so he could rep Cardinal fans in a sea of visiting fans.
My first 3 nominees are:
BIG TONY never posted much but his dances and jumbotron appearances are legendary.
Cardinal Dan. Doesn't post anymore but you can't leave out a guy who would wear a Cardinal Mexican Wrestling mask/or did he paint his face? to games and playfully choke fans of the other team.
Jersey Girl. Moved to Arizona from the East Coast just to be closer to her beloved Cardinals. It doesn't get any more hard core than that.
Of course the automatic entries are:
Skorpion who I had the pleasure of hoisting many a cold brew with at the Vine and at his tailgate at SDS. Kept the site going and never missed a game.
King of Cards who you could hear bashing opposing fans all the way across the stadium at SDS and was a riot at the half time meets.
Jstadvl aka Jumbotron Eddie. Who purposely bought season tickets on the Sunny Side of SDS so he could rep Cardinal fans in a sea of visiting fans.
My first 3 nominees are:
BIG TONY never posted much but his dances and jumbotron appearances are legendary.
Cardinal Dan. Doesn't post anymore but you can't leave out a guy who would wear a Cardinal Mexican Wrestling mask/or did he paint his face? to games and playfully choke fans of the other team.
Jersey Girl. Moved to Arizona from the East Coast just to be closer to her beloved Cardinals. It doesn't get any more hard core than that.
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