I didn't have much knowledge of football during his tenure here - is there anywhere to see film highlights of his play? I came up blank on YouTube.
When you do find a clip, he'll be the one with two to three people who are moving backwards. I'm not sure he faced anything less than a double team. Only his knees stopped him.
Side note he has 2 sons that played college football. Tevin finished up at Arizona don't think he got drafted. Jaxon is still at ASU, think he's a junior not sure. Both were 6 footers so shorter than Eric, but 300 pounders. From what I gather Jaxon is better than Tevin was but probably not an NFL prospect.
They are both estranged from their father, hence why they have another man's name (I'm pretty certain Hood isn't their mother's maiden name, I think it was their step father's name). I know some of the details on him and I won't share them publicly since it's he said, she said type of stuff.
Let's just say I knew the family years ago and I haven't heard too many nice things about Eric Swann as a human being.
That defensive line had the ability to be one of the all time greats. Swann, Rice, Wadsworth but injury shortened Wadsworth and Swann's careers and Rice's attitude had him move on.