Everything is Illuminated
Release Date: September 16, 2005 (NY, LA)
Studio: Warner Independent Pictures
Director: Liev Schreiber
Screenwriter: Liev Schreiber
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for disturbing images/violence, sexual content and language)
Website: Everything is Illuminated
Starring: Elijah Wood, Eugene Hutz, Boris Leskin
Plot Summary: Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything is Illuminated" tells the story of a young man's quest to find the woman who saved his grandfather in a small Ukrainian town that was wiped off the map by the Nazi invasion. What starts out as a journey to piece together one family’s story under the most absurd circumstances turns into a surprisingly meaningful journey with a powerful series of revelations -- the importance of remembrance, the perilous nature of secrets, the legacy of the Holocaust, the meaning of friendship and, most importantly, love.
Release Date: September 16, 2005 (NY, LA)
Studio: Warner Independent Pictures
Director: Liev Schreiber
Screenwriter: Liev Schreiber
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for disturbing images/violence, sexual content and language)
Website: Everything is Illuminated
Starring: Elijah Wood, Eugene Hutz, Boris Leskin
Plot Summary: Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything is Illuminated" tells the story of a young man's quest to find the woman who saved his grandfather in a small Ukrainian town that was wiped off the map by the Nazi invasion. What starts out as a journey to piece together one family’s story under the most absurd circumstances turns into a surprisingly meaningful journey with a powerful series of revelations -- the importance of remembrance, the perilous nature of secrets, the legacy of the Holocaust, the meaning of friendship and, most importantly, love.