Tyler Durden
I have rewatched game tivo on Seattle game so many times now it's no longerr nauseating and the suspense is over as even on the sixth time the Cardinals still lose.
Mostly I focused on the offensive line in general (bad) and then started scrubbing the plays with my video editor and started grading the OL individually on a play by play basis. Taking stills of the video to show segments of the play.
This was really really time consuming. I've got some other video editing software that should speed this up and I'll install that tomorrow and give it another go.
However, I did do the entire first quarter and then scrubbed the 2nd quarter without uploading anymore pix or info to that thread.
Judging soley on those two quarters, Reggie Wells is hands down, far and away the best offensive lineman we have. In those two quarters of play, it isn't even remotely close. He is as close to reliable as it gets on our OL.
Liwienski (I don't even bother trying to get his name right... is it close) sucks as does Brown. Step sucks too. Davis is wildy inconsistant (sucks)
Green is a moron if he reshuffles Wells.
My grades by play on what I have up in that thread are
Wells A A A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A A
Brown F A B- F A F D+ D+ D F A
Step A A F--- B C F C+ C B+ F D
Lewlew D A+ B+ D B B F F A+ F N/A
Davis D F F D A F A C+ A+ N/A C+
Is Ross an upgrade over Wells at RT? Is Leckey actually worse then Stepanovich? Move Davis to LG please!
Mostly I focused on the offensive line in general (bad) and then started scrubbing the plays with my video editor and started grading the OL individually on a play by play basis. Taking stills of the video to show segments of the play.
This was really really time consuming. I've got some other video editing software that should speed this up and I'll install that tomorrow and give it another go.
However, I did do the entire first quarter and then scrubbed the 2nd quarter without uploading anymore pix or info to that thread.
Judging soley on those two quarters, Reggie Wells is hands down, far and away the best offensive lineman we have. In those two quarters of play, it isn't even remotely close. He is as close to reliable as it gets on our OL.
Liwienski (I don't even bother trying to get his name right... is it close) sucks as does Brown. Step sucks too. Davis is wildy inconsistant (sucks)
Green is a moron if he reshuffles Wells.
My grades by play on what I have up in that thread are
Wells A A A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A A
Brown F A B- F A F D+ D+ D F A
Step A A F--- B C F C+ C B+ F D
Lewlew D A+ B+ D B B F F A+ F N/A
Davis D F F D A F A C+ A+ N/A C+
Is Ross an upgrade over Wells at RT? Is Leckey actually worse then Stepanovich? Move Davis to LG please!