this 2 games are awesome IMO. Crackdown was a good time when it came out and I played the **** out of dead rising one. Nothing like mindlessly killing zombies with random objects for hours. Or you can follow the storyline
I know halo 4 is in the future, beyond that not sure.
Main problem I am finding is making space on the harddrive for these games. I own over 40 xbox live arcaede games and have several kinect demos for the kids. I have a 100gb HD and it is maxed out right now. I dont really want to cut out games I have paid for in the past but I also want to download everything I can so the kids have tons of games to play for years once the 360 goes into their living room about a year after I get xbox one.
So far we have had fable 3, a tower defense arcade game, assassins creed 2, crackdown and then dead rising....not sure what is a twitch action game of the bunch. Crackdown I suppose?
I played fable 3 and find they spend too much time trying to be funny and shoving me into quests that I find boring and useless. It wore off on me fast. Never liked assassins creed and the tower defense games are MEH in my eyes. Ive already played crackdown so may never touch it but its the first one I truly like and I am stoked to play Dead rising 2.