Gene Upshaw say Clarett Should Stay in School


Sep 23, 2002
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Mesa, AZ
Gene Upshaw says Clarett Should Stay in School

Thursday, September 18, 2003 news services
WASHINGTON -- NFL Players Association executive director Gene Upshaw echoed commissioner Paul Tagliabue's position Wednesday, saying he believes suspended Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett should stay in school and not try to become eligible for the 2004 college draft, the Washington Post reports.

Upshaw, who attended part of a one-day league meeting in Washington Wednesday, told the paper, "We support [the NFL's] position. ... I don't think he should be playing in the NFL yet. He should stay in school. This will be here for him.

"I'm concerned about [him] physically being prepared to play. I'd have loved to have played against a guy who's 18. I'd have whipped him."

According to the paper, Clarett's attorney, Alan C. Milstein, had sent a letter to both Upshaw, a Hall of Fame offensive lineman with the Oakland Raiders, and Tagliabue requesting that Clarett be allowed to declare for the next college draft and play next year. The current NFL rule prohibits players from joining the league until at least three years after their class graduates from high school.

Milstein told the paper that he hopes to have a meeting with NFL attorney Jeff Pash early next week to present Clarett's case for inclusion in the draft and that his client is "keeping all of his options open."

Clarett's next move might be to challenge the NFL rule in court, and some attorneys and sports experts say he has a good chance to win.

Because a trial might not be resolved until after Clarett becomes eligible in 2005, his lawyers could ask for a preliminary court order against the rule.

"Courts do issue preliminary injunctions, and particularly in sports cases," said Alan C. Michaels, former lawyer for the Major League Baseball Players Association. "Courts often seem to get wrapped up in the excitement, mythology and action of sports and their decisions are sometimes less predictable."

No player has ever taken on the 13-year-old NFL draft eligibility rule.

Clarett's lawyers would have to convince a federal judge that it is likely they would win the case and that sitting out a season would affect their client's future earnings.

That tactic worked for Spencer Haywood, who was allowed to play in the NBA with Seattle before his case wound through the courts.

Haywood, whose 1970 case set the precedent for allowing undergraduate players into the NBA, won in the courtroom, lost on appeal and eventually received a ruling in his favor from the U.S. Supreme Court.

Clarett, suspended for at least a year last week for violating NCAA bylaws concerning benefits for athletes and for lying to investigators, set Ohio State freshman records with 1,237 yards rushing and 18 touchdowns last season as the Buckeyes won the national championship for the first time in 34 years.

Neil Cornrich, a Cleveland attorney and sports agent, said Clarett has a "slam-dunk victory" if the NFL can't be persuaded to change the draft rule and he goes to court.

Cornrich called the rule a violation of antitrust laws and said it was not specifically included in the NFL's collective bargaining agreement with the players' union.

"The rule was unilaterally imposed by the National Football League," said Cornrich, whose clients include New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick.

The NFL won't discuss its arguments unless Clarett sues, league spokesman Greg Aiello said. Still, he defended the regulation.

"The draft is part of our collective bargaining agreement, and the eligibility rule has been the subject of collective bargaining discussions," he said.

Asked Sunday if he thought, as a lawyer, that the NFL could win a lawsuit, Tagliabue replied: "My feeling as commissioner is that we have a very strong case and that we'll win it."

Milstein wouldn't discuss specifics, but offered a prediction on the outcome of the case.

"Have you heard anybody other than the people at the NFL who say that it can't be won?" he asked.
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May 14, 2002
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Seems like the NCAA should be very concerned about this case because if Clarett wins the NCAA will end up the big losers.Every player who thinks he can play will end up trying to get in the NFL for the cash.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by BW52
Seems like the NCAA should be very concerned about this case because if Clarett wins the NCAA will end up the big losers.Every player who thinks he can play will end up trying to get in the NFL for the cash.

I think the NFL is smart enough to realize that though and will probably wind up settling if it looks like they might lose. I believe they can simply grant him an exemption, have a supplemental draft, and avoid the whole thing so future players would have to sue as well.

I think Clarett will win in court if it goes that far.

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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Good quote in todays paper-"Maurice is keeping all his options and hasn't ruled out returning to OSU.He's looking forward to starting his classes on Tuesday." One problem,classes start on WEdnesday.So he's really in tune with returning to OSU.


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Cbus cardsfan
Good quote in todays paper-"Maurice is keeping all his options and hasn't ruled out returning to OSU.He's looking forward to starting his classes on Tuesday." One problem,classes start on WEdnesday.So he's really in tune with returning to OSU.

He's so anxious he wants to get a head start. What a great student he is!


Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Cbus cardsfan
Good quote in todays paper-"Maurice is keeping all his options and hasn't ruled out returning to OSU.He's looking forward to starting his classes on Tuesday." One problem,classes start on WEdnesday.So he's really in tune with returning to OSU.

I can't find the exact quote but in my paper this morning they had Darius Holland, ex Pack current Bronco complaining about the stereotype of football players as being dumb. "It's like we have an astigmatism of being dumb."

Not be confused with a stigma I guess.


Too much good stuff
Jul 2, 2003
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Is everything
Originally posted by Cbus cardsfan
Good quote in todays paper-"Maurice is keeping all his options and hasn't ruled out returning to OSU.He's looking forward to starting his classes on Tuesday." One problem,classes start on WEdnesday.So he's really in tune with returning to OSU.
Sounds like someone is speaking for him. Maybe the speaker is the dumb one not Maurice.


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Rivercard
Sounds like someone is speaking for him. Maybe the speaker is the dumb one not Maurice.

From what I've heard he is exceptionaly dumb. Football is the only thing he has going for him.


Like a boss
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May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Russ Smith
I can't find the exact quote but in my paper this morning they had Darius Holland, ex Pack current Bronco complaining about the stereotype of football players as being dumb. "It's like we have an astigmatism of being dumb."

Not be confused with a stigma I guess.


I was going to make a smartass comment but I really can't top that. That ranks up there with Mike Tyson's defense being impregnable.

Lars the Red

aka Thor, God of Thunder
May 14, 2002
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The wrong end of a Tequila bottle.
Originally posted by Floridacard

I was going to make a smartass comment but I really can't top that. That ranks up there with Mike Tyson's defense being impregnable.

I could add one more amusing piece. While playing basketball with a college group that was assembled to play some international teams, we had a kid that grew up in Detroit with us. During our pregame walk through, the coach made a special point of telling the guy that his man was left handed and would always make his move to his left. During the first couple of minutes of the game, the lefty blew around the Detroit guy about 4 times for easy buckets. The coach called timeout and immediately started chewing the kid for not playing him to his left. The guy come back with the now famous comment of, 'I tried to play his left side, but the guys amphibious, coach, he can use both hands!'. After about a four count of dead silence, the huddle exploded with laughter, (which was really needed) completely confusing our Turkish buddies. We had a great time on that tour, but found out that it's not smart to get into a drinking contest with Turks.


Like a boss
Supporting Member
May 6, 2003
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Originally posted by Lars the Red
I could add one more amusing piece. While playing basketball with a college group that was assembled to play some international teams, we had a kid that grew up in Detroit with us. During our pregame walk through, the coach made a special point of telling the guy that his man was left handed and would always make his move to his left. During the first couple of minutes of the game, the lefty blew around the Detroit guy about 4 times for easy buckets. The coach called timeout and immediately started chewing the kid for not playing him to his left. The guy come back with the now famous comment of, 'I tried to play his left side, but the guys amphibious, coach, he can use both hands!'. After about a four count of dead silence, the huddle exploded with laughter, (which was really needed) completely confusing our Turkish buddies. We had a great time on that tour, but found out that it's not smart to get into a drinking contest with Turks.

I'm going to be laughing at that all day. :D
Nov 15, 2002
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SE Valley
Originally posted by Floridacard

I was going to make a smartass comment but I really can't top that. That ranks up there with Mike Tyson's defense being impregnable.

Not defending Tyson ( He is at least as smart as a rock) but:

Main Entry: im·preg·na·ble
Pronunciation: im-'preg-n&-b&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English imprenable, from Middle French, from in- + prenable vulnerable to capture, from prendre to take -- more at PRIZE
Date: 15th century
1 : incapable of being taken by assault : UNCONQUERABLE

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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Wasn't it also TYson who said-I take my hand off to him?


In the league 20 years!
Mar 3, 2003
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I hope Clarett sues the NFL and wins. Regardless, if he wants to come to the NFL then let him. I think he is loaded with talent, size and speed and barring any major injuries he could be all-world in 3-4 years.....At the ripe old age of 22!

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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It's being reportred that Clarett is now duing Ohio State for violating his 5th amendment rights.Just when you thought he couldn't make a bigger ASS out of himself.Doesn't he realize that an NFL team can see what a head case he is.He's only hurting himself.Either that or he just want to keep his name in the news.