They took a metric crap ton of artistic license. Commodus was in fact murdered by a gladiator because of how he staged the fights so that the gladiators would always lose, and he would always win.
Marcus Aurelius wasnt a frail old man when he died. He was still leading battle not too long before he passed and was in excellent shape.
I just get really annoyed when Hollywood changes a story for the sake of narrative.
Remember the Titans did this pretty badly...the school had been integrated for years before the team won a state championship as depicted in the movie.
Braveheart was another one that took extreme historic license when they didn't have to.
I get fleshing out characters that history hasn't really fleshed out yet, but changing the events is kind crappy.
A historic figure that I would really like to see on screen would be Hannibal. His campaign in the Italian peninsula is legendary, and he was only 27 years old at the time. But I know Hollywood would screw it up and cast him as a sub Saharan African instead of the Berber he probably was.
getting to see historical fiction that is rooted in actual events is why Gladiator is one of my all time favorites.
yeah they took artistic license...but holy cow the actors were outstanding. I despised Phoenix for years after that movie...had to wait to watch him play Johnny Cash until about four years after the movie came out...because whenever I looked at him all I saw was Commodus