Bah on the Jazz. Boo on Sloan for promoting overally dirty bball the last 20 years. And boo on Boozer for being ethically challenged in his contract negotiations. (Deron Williams is a heck of a talent, though)
Bah on the Spurs. Bowen, Whorry, Flopinobli - ugh and ugh. Sissy tough bball that is like watching paint dry.
Here is hoping the Eastern conference beats the snot out of either of those teams. Maybe the Pistons can show Spurs or Jazz what real physical, thug, dirty bball is about.
By the time the NBA makes it through 4-7 games of Spurs/Jazz beating the crap out of each other, it will take blood to draw a foul in the Finals.
I'm done with the NBA this year. No more games, even if Lebron makes the finals.
No basketball is far, far better then thugly basketball. It's like the Knicks/Heat series from the late 90's all over again. Weeeeeee.