nerd.... i wouldn't miss a brewers opening day for the world... 15 years straight
damn i wanna go so bad, but i cant miss class
Class? Come on, miss one day and go to one of the best events of the year.
well I hope It sells out. I think it will. I cant wait. I also had another question about tickets. I looked online and the cheapest seats were outfield reserve for 5 bucks. Has anyone ever sat in the outfield reserev before and how were they? Also do tehy have dollar seats? and if so how are the dolalr seats? This isnt for opening day just any home game.
Be thankful the roof will be closed with those seats. The sun beating down on you is horrible when its open in RFsitting in the right field bleachers with the whole family (8 of us).
Nothing like baseball on opening day. Especially when you can skip work.
Be thankful the roof will be closed with those seats. The sun beating down on you is horrible when its open in RF
Be thankful the roof will be closed with those seats. The sun beating down on you is horrible when its open in RF