I know this is not true at all (Hoopsworld is not credible). There has
been nothing but positive report about Amare and I have not read anything
else that says otherwise. Kenyon Martin may be an interesting choice but
do you guys think he is worth $100 million? If he does sign; does it mean that
Martin plays powerfoward and Amare becomes a center?
NEW JERSEY LOSES KENYON MARTIN With Phoenix and Atlanta with cash, and likely going to lose out on Kobe Bryant, expect both teams to make a hard and heavy push at Kenyon Martin, word is while the Suns like Amare Stoudemire, there is talk that his personal life is becoming bothersome, if Kenyon can be had Amare may be traded. The odds are slim, but a source close to the Suns hints that if Kenyon expressed interest don’t be surprised to see a sign and trade done with New Jersey, where New Jersey avoids the $100 million payday to Kenyon and sheds a contract or two and gets back an Amare. Kenyon likes his team, but at the same time its payday and if New Jersey won’t cough up the cash, other teams will…
This tidbit talks about T-Mac
Indiana is still in the running for McGrady, but it appears that Houston and Phoenix are the front-runners. The Suns are offering anyone on their roster excpet for Amare Stoudemire for McGrady. The hold-up could be in that Shawn Marion is a base-year player and can’t be officially dealt until July 1st.
been nothing but positive report about Amare and I have not read anything
else that says otherwise. Kenyon Martin may be an interesting choice but
do you guys think he is worth $100 million? If he does sign; does it mean that
Martin plays powerfoward and Amare becomes a center?
NEW JERSEY LOSES KENYON MARTIN With Phoenix and Atlanta with cash, and likely going to lose out on Kobe Bryant, expect both teams to make a hard and heavy push at Kenyon Martin, word is while the Suns like Amare Stoudemire, there is talk that his personal life is becoming bothersome, if Kenyon can be had Amare may be traded. The odds are slim, but a source close to the Suns hints that if Kenyon expressed interest don’t be surprised to see a sign and trade done with New Jersey, where New Jersey avoids the $100 million payday to Kenyon and sheds a contract or two and gets back an Amare. Kenyon likes his team, but at the same time its payday and if New Jersey won’t cough up the cash, other teams will…
This tidbit talks about T-Mac
Indiana is still in the running for McGrady, but it appears that Houston and Phoenix are the front-runners. The Suns are offering anyone on their roster excpet for Amare Stoudemire for McGrady. The hold-up could be in that Shawn Marion is a base-year player and can’t be officially dealt until July 1st.