I find myself wanting

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
I took this rendition and transformed into a Cardinals gameday.

The long sweltering season is but a bead of sweat on my battered brow.
The sun burns bright in the Arizona sky, yet i find myself wanting.
I want 70 degrees,a slight breeze, and crystal clear blue sky.
I want a winter Sunday in U of P stadium
I want to get up at 6am,beer in hand by 7,and up at the stadium tailgating with the other hardcores by 8.
I want a bratwurst.
I want coolers filled with ice cold beer.
and i want 4 tables packed with cheese, lunchmeat, veggies, pasta salad,chips,salsa, mexican bean dip, and much much more.
I want to basically fill up on beer.
I want to stand in line,cross legged, for 30 minutes about to burst at a port-a-john.
and i want to see the steam rise when i take a good pee.
I want to piss behind a car door.
I want swat teams teams of cops swarming around in shifts like the SS.
I want to see Abomb, DCR, Donald and their kegs of Cardinal Kool-aid survive the weekend.
And i want to see how they explain themselves the day after.
I want to be drunk off my ass with a F dallas t-shirt on.
I want to people to ask WTF is a Seahawk.
I want to yell, Jerry Jones is a *****.
and i want acknowledge a fellow cardinal fan who will give a hearty "Cardinals" in return for my "Let's go".
I want the fans to come to our tailgate being the greates fans in the world.
I want to shotgun 3 beers on the walk to the stadium.
I want to see Deanna cry.......at everything.
I want to walk into U of P stadium,see the grass for the first time, feel like Rudy's dad,and mumble to myself, this is the greatest site these tired old eyes have ever seen.
I want to feel the chill that goes up and down my spine when the best damn team in the land hits the field.
I want to yell when coach Whiz is introduced.
I want to pump my fist readying for the opening kickoff.
I want to see Jennifer answer the question, how many quarters in a football game?
I want to get ready to cheer a cards victory.
I want to stand in the raucous south stands for 3 hours with a million ups and downs of joy and agony with every play.
I want to make myself hoarse from yelling let's go Cards.
I want to yell at the referees.
I want to do the cornholio chant.
a-a-a-a-ass ho--o-o-o--o-le.
I want to see Kid Stallyn and his kids storm the field.
I want to eat 4 dollar hot dogs and soft pretzels with cheese.
And i want to see cups of coke complimented with Captain Morgan flying from all directions in the stadium.
I want to see Fitz score a touchdown and watch the entire stadium celebrate.
I want to win tickets from the corner office.
I want to see Big Red and the cheerleaders shake their groove thing.
I want to high five all my friends and every other person around me when the Cardinals score.
I want to score.
I find my self wanting.
I find myself wanting so much.
F Pittsburgh, and bring on your WORLD CHAMPION, ARIZONA CARDINALS.

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