The Suns take Pavel Podkolzine about 80% of the time.
I just thought that was funny.
I just thought that was funny.
Chris_Sanders said:The Suns take Pavel Podkolzine about 80% of the time.
I just thought that was funny.
thegrahamcrackr said:The program presumebly checks each team's list of players vs who is left on the board. Apparently, ESPN decided that Pavel was either #7 or #8 on the list, which I don't think is totally out of the question. However, I highly doubt the suns will take him, considering he broke his hand earlier, and there are several big man projects in this draft. Most of which seem to be better suited for a running team I might add.
George O'Brien said:I agree completely. BTW, I think there is a real chance he will pull out again.