Insider - Chad Ford chat


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Oct 3, 2002
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Chat with Chad Ford

Chad Ford: Thanks for coming to the chat everyone. Lots to talk about. We'll spend the first 15 or 20 minutes talking playoffs and Larry Brown then we'll head over to the NBA draft for the remainder of the chat. Let's roll.

Brian Phoenix, AZ: Are the Cavs really that good or are the Pistons not as good as everyone was thinking?

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Chad Ford: It's probably some of both. I think LeBron is THAT good and has clearly given the Pistons problems. However, if the Pistons could get anything going on the offensive end, I think this series would've already been over. Their defense has been fine in this series but their offense has just been ugly. I'm not sure if that's Mike Brown and the Cavs playing unbelievable defense or the Pistons just not getting anything to fall. But if I'm Flip Saunders, I let Chauncey Billups go wild in Game 6.

Matt (Skokie, IL): Chad, Would you consider the Cavs-Pistons series one of the biggest playoff upsets ever if Cleveland wins on friday night? Noone gave the Cavs a chance coming into this series, and now they are 1 win away from eliminating a championship favorite in Detroit.

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Chad Ford: It would have to be. Almost everyone picked the Pistons to win it all ... so losing in the second round to a young team like the Cavs would be devestating. I personally think the Pistons are still going to win this series. They've been in this position before. Cockiness works both ways. It may have gotten them in this hole, but it also gives them the confidence to dig themselves out.

Kerri (Dallas, TX): With the way Big Ben is floundering, is it still a guarantee that the Pistons will resign him? If a team like the Mavs offer him $15+ million (Van Horns expiring amt) would Detroit match? I have heard they are only offering around $12 million.

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Chad Ford: I think Joe Dumars is a very loyal guy and will do what it takes to bring Big Ben back this summer. He has been the most important player on this team for the last five years. However, it does seem like he's losing a step and if you take the emotion out of it, I'm not sure he's worth $60 million more. With that said, what other options do the Pistons have. Now that Darko Milicic is gone, who else could step in and replace him. That's all a long winded way of saying I'd be shocked if Wallace wasn't back in a Pistons uniform next year. And no ... the Mavericks can't offer him $15 million, they are way over the cap.

Rashaud (Las Vegas, NV): Do you think San Antonio has any other alternatives than outscoring Dallas to beat them? They've barely won the games they have and played those games really well. It just seems like San Antonio cannot play any better than they are.

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Chad Ford: Give Avery Johnson credit, he's created a match-up problem that the Spurs will have a tough time matching. One of the Spurs strengths is it's front line, but no one on the team, not even Tim Duncan, can contain Nowitzki. The small ball line-up they went with last night was better and I think they'll have to stick with it. I wouldn't totally count out the World Champs ... they can win one in Dallas on Friday ... but the more I watch the Mavericks, the more I think that in this series, they have the advantage. Not sure if it will continue, however, if they play the Suns next. The Suns have the manpower to out run and gun Dallas.

Adam (Westwood): If the clippers get to the conference finals, only to face a weary dallas or san antonio squad, can we put an asterisk next to their appearance their due to this season's seeding quirks?

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Chad Ford: You don't think the Clippers or Suns are weary to? They just finished a 2 overtime game. I think this has been one of the best and funest match-ups of the playoffs. I think either team has a shot at beating Dallas in the next round because they match-up better against the Mavericks than the Spurs did. After watching these series play out, I think it's going to be Mavs-Suns in the Western Conference Finals

Rick H. (Yakima, Wa.): Who's your playoff MVP so far? Lebron?

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Chad Ford: Love LeBron and voted for him for regular season MVP ... but seeing what Dirk's done to the Spurs gives him the slight edge over LBJ

Jon (Connecticut): How much worse can things get for the Knicks? If you're James Dolan, what's the best path to take to get out of this mess?

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Chad Ford: Fire everyone, including himself. The Knicks problems start with Dolan, are amplified by 10 with Isiah Thomas and then are really complicated by Larry Brown. I can understand why they want to get rid of Brown. However, how could the Knicks not have known that Larry would want to get rid of the players on the roster. None of their top guys play the way Larry wants the game played. Besides, with the exception of the Pistons, this is what he's done with every team he's coached. But if the Knicks fire Brown, how can they not fire Isiah. Watching the Pistons struggle in the playoffs brings to mind how great a coach Brown can be. If that doesn't show just how bad the roster Isiah has assembled is, I don't know what does. The Knicks are a mess and that's more Isiah's fault than Brown's. Both deserve to get the axe. And Dolan? Put the team up for sale before you embarass yourself and the city of New York any more.

Larry Long Island: Can the Knicks just start over? Without a first round pick in the next two years, what can they do to get better?

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Chad Ford: That's the point. There isn't much they can do. They actually have two first round picks this year, but their in the late first round of a weak draft. They can try to use the expiring contracts of Jalen Rose and Maurice Taylor to bring in more players ... but since when has that worked for the Knicks. Every expiring contract that they've sent out has brought them back even bigger problems in return. They've been unable to make one great trade with all of their supposedly valuable expiring contracts. Do you expect them to do any better with Rose or Taylor. The Knicks only hope is to let some of the bad contracts expire, play the young kids, see if you can get anything for Stephon Marbury or Steve Francis in the open court and wait another five years for some cap flexibility to come and pray that guys like Channing Frye, Nate Robinson, David Lee and Eddy Curry develop.

Harold (NJ): Is Tyrus Thomas a lock at #1? What do you think about the chances of Morrison, Bargani, Gay, etc. going in that slot?

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Chad Ford: No. He's the No. 1 rated prospect on the board, but depending on who gets No. 1 LaMarcus Aldridge, Adam Morrison and even Andrea Bargnani have a shot.

Rob (Michigan): Who's the best center coming out for the draft?

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Chad Ford: I think it's Bradley's Patrick O'Bryant. He's VERY raw, but he's got the right size and athleticism to be an NBA player down the road. Given the dearth of bigs in the draft, he's a lock for the late lottery and could end up going MUCH higher with great workouts. Several of the teams at the top need a center badly.

Martin New York: How high do you see Brandon Roy going in the draft. I was trying to think of a good player comparison. Kind of a throwback - Ron Harper maybe?

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Chad Ford: Roy's stock is very hot right now. Several NBA GMs told me that his agent is refusing workouts right now to anyone not in the Top 5. I think he may be the safest player in the draft. He does everything well, has four years of college experience and could help just about every team in the lottery. He doesn't have the amazing upside of other players, but I think just about everyone believes he'll have a very good NBA career. Teams like the Blazers (No. 1), Bulls (No. 2), Bobcats (No. 3) and Hawks (No. 4) would all have to consider him. He doesn't have the typical upside that you expect from a No. 1 pick, but he'd make all of those teams better.

Brett (Rockford, IL): Hey Chad. With the emphasis continuing to shift over to playing "smallball", would the Bulls be better off grabbing Brandon Roy with whatever pick they end up with or is Tyrus Thomas still the no-brainer choice? Thanks!

Chad Ford: Here's an example of the dilemma. Having Roy to play at the two with Kirk Hinrich gives you a big guard with a tough defensive attitude. Because Roy's ball handling skills are so good, you can play him together with Hinrich or Ben Gordon. However, from what I hear, if the Bulls can grab a big guy who can score in the block with their pick from the Knicks their going to do it. Tyrus Thomas and LaMarcus Aldridge both interest them.

Dave (Flagstaff, AZ): Will Hassan Adams actually be a good player in the NBA, or is he just a highlight dunk player destined for the end of someone's bench?

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Chad Ford: I think it's the latter. He's undersized and lacks a great feel for the game. I think Greg Buckner is the right comparison.

Chad (FL): Chad, do you think Otis Smith's comments this morning about Vazsquez coming over for the '07-'08 season will effect the Magic's draft plans?

Chad Ford: Not really. I think the Magic are looking strongly at a two or three. They would love to get Brandon Roy, but their late season surge has pushed them out of position. I think J.J. Redick, Rodney Carney and Ronnie Brewer are all options. With Dwight Howard, Tony Battie and Darko anchoring the front line and the possibility of Vasquez coming next year, I think they go small. Then again, the Vasquez story may have been floated to drum up trade interest. I hear the Magic may be trying to move up in the draft to get a better shot at Roy. Offering their pick and the draft rights to Vasquez may do it in this draft ... especially for a team like the Hawks who like Vasquez and could get a point guard later in the draft.

Dan (Bmore): When drafting don't you think the best thing to do is draft the best avialable player and then attempt to trade? Isn't this how teams hurt themselves by drafting for needs and then the player becomes a bust.

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Chad Ford: Just depends. Sometimes it's a major mistake to take a player based on need (see the Raptors decision to take Rafael Araujo 10 to 15 spots ahead of where he was projected). Then again, the Hawks decision to draft Marvin Williams ahead of Chris Paul looks very foolish given their desperate need for a point guard. Here's my rule. If the best player on the board is a much better prospect than the guy who fits a need, you take the best player on the board and figure it out via trade later. If the player who fits the needs is, talent and potential wise, close to the best player on the board, go with the need. Both the Raptors and Hawks violated that rule on draft day and both are kicking themselves now.

Aaron,Phoenix: Heard a rumor that the Suns love Andrea Bargnani. Any truth to this and what would be the best way to go about acquiring him?

Chad Ford: They do love him ... so do a lot of teams. Obviously the Italian connection with Mike D'Antoni feeds that as well. But unless they move way up in the draft, I don't see how they get him. I think Chicago, Charlotte and Atlanta will all take a long look at him in the high lottery.

Chad (san diego): Assuming that Portland lands in the top two, what do they do for their team to make an immediate impact?

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Chad Ford: I think they should look to trade. They have way too many young players for Nate McMillan's taste as it is. My guess is that McMillan will push for Brandon Roy if they keep the pick because he wants someone with experience who plays defense. But adding another rookie? Doesn't make sense to me. If I'm Portland I try to package the pick with a bad contract like Zach Randolph to get back a couple of solid veterans and/or some cap space. There's just a bad mix in Portland right now.

Alex (Woodbridge, VA): What do you see the Celtics doing with thier lottery pick, using it or making it part of a package for a compliment player for Pierce?

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Chad Ford: Celtics are another team that might trade their pick. They don't need any more young players and there's no one in the draft where they're picking that makes them better in the short term. They need another veteran role player or two.

Brandon(UT): How do think the Jazz should draft this year? Any chance of Roy being available?

Chad Ford: No. Roy will be gone. They'd love to get Randy Foye, but he's probably gone too. J.J. Redick might be the guy. Clearly they're focusing on the two guard position. They could also use another athletic big man. Patrick O'Bryant and Hilton Armstrong are possibilities.

bill (philly): AI to Atlanta, scale 1 to 10 on how likely ?

Chad Ford: I think they have as good a shot as anyone and they have the motivation to do it. The real question is, have the 76ers finally decided it's time to part ways. They've inched close to the ledge several times, but always had a change of heart at the last minute (I think the amount of people AI puts in the seats has a lot to do with it). Are they finally ready to move on? If they are, Atlanta may have the best shot of making a deal.

Alex (San Francisco): When will the draft lottery be held?

Chad Ford: Tuesday in New York. We'll debut our first full mock draft that night after the lottery so make sure to check back soon.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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I stopped reading right here. “With the way Big Ben is floundering, is it still a guarantee that the Pistons will resign him? If a team like the Mavs offer him $15+ million (Van Horns expiring amt) would Detroit match? I have heard they are only offering around $12 million.”

If you don’t understand that the Mavs can’t offer $15MM, even after Van Horn’s contract is gone, then this is just a stupid waste of time.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
It's not Ford's fault if people ask him stupid questions. He gets to choose, but I'll bet that 90% of the questions he gets are stupid or pointless, so he has to make some compromises.

Interesting that the thinks the Suns have a chance to beat Dallas, if that's the WCF matchup.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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No, it’s not. But if the people asking him questions don’t understand the salary cap, most of their trade questions are meaningless.


Registered User
May 2, 2006
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you gotta cut the people some slack. They don't know where team are salary cap wise and such technicalities. In a way, maybe thats why chats like this are held - so they get to speak to an expert in the know of things, who can explain it all to them.


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Oct 3, 2003
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Good chat. Thanks for the post.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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Nash said:
you gotta cut the people some slack. They don't know where team are salary cap wise and such technicalities. In a way, maybe thats why chats like this are held - so they get to speak to an expert in the know of things, who can explain it all to them.
Maybe that’s when you should be a listener, not a talker? You don't need to be an expert to know the salary cap. It’s easily available on the internet if you really cared to know.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Bada0Bing said:
Maybe that?s when you should be a listener, not a talker? You don't need to be an expert to know the salary cap. It?s easily available on the internet if you really cared to know.

you're being ridiculous. very few people do that kind of research. even i don't do that. you are part of a very small sports-stats-geek fraternity.


Don't Stop Believin'
Feb 19, 2004
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Am I being ridiculous? If the guy is talking about “matching” a contract, he must now something about how NBA contracts work. He knows how much Van Horn is making, so he must have done some sort of research. That’s pretty cool that I belong to a “sports-stats-geek fraternity”. Where’s the keg? :D


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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Bada0Bing said:
Am I being ridiculous? If the guy is talking about “matching” a contract, he must now something about how NBA contracts work. He knows how much Van Horn is making, so he must have done some sort of research. That’s pretty cool that I belong to a “sports-stats-geek fraternity”. Where’s the keg? :D

It's over at my house, toga party next week! I guess making yourself a knowledable fans makes you a "sports-stats-geek fraternity”

I'd say most of the Cards board is in our frat too.