Insider - Chat with Marc Stein


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Oct 3, 2002
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Chat with Marc Stein

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Marc Stein: Hello, all. Last chat of the regular season. Just so you know, tomorrow night's Midweek Dime will have my complete awards ballot: MVP and everything else. So I'm going to try to focus on other stuff here.

Andy (NYC): Marc have you heard anything either way whether or not Bosh will sign the max with the Raptors this off-season? Your colleague Sherdian seems to think its not a slam dunk, while Hollinger does.

Marc Stein: I'm in the slam-dunk camp. Bosh is a smart guy and he understands that he'd be taking a huge financial risk not to refuse a guaranteed max deal this summer and player on a one-year setup. Everything I've heard suggests that I can plan on a summertime trip to Toronto for the press conference.

Joey (Corona, CA): Marc, do you see AI, KG, or Paul Pierce on the move this offseason? Who's most likely to be gone and to where?

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Marc Stein: I know for a fact that KG and the Wolves do not want to part ways no matter how many KG trade rumors there are. I'm almost as confident about Pierce staying in Boston. The Sixers obviously have to look at every possibility after this disaster of a finish but, as we've discussed here previously, the market for AI is more limited than it might have been a year or two ago. Teams previous desperate for a ticket-seller, like Atlanta and Orlando, are unlikely to bust up their youthful cores for AI as he heads into his 30s. Orlando definitely wouldn't. On second thought, maybe Atlanta should consider it. But at this early stage, I'm struggling to give you a list of teams that would want to gamble on AI or Webb.

D (San Diego): Will the Sonics really leave Seattle? How does this sound? San Diego SuperSonics!

Marc Stein: It's certainly all posturing at this point and the nearby Seattle suburbs are said to be eager for a shot to inherit the Sonics. Hopefully at least one of these teams stays in the great Pacific Northwest. As for San Diego, I'm sure that would be right behind Las Vegas if you polled media types and asked them where they'd like to see an NBA team. But I get the sense that the NBA would rather try a few other markets before trying the paradise of SD again.

Ed, (toronto, ont): What are the chances of Toronto aquiring Jamaal Magloire?

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Marc Stein: Not good. Bucks are going to get lots of trade offers for Magloire once the season ends and I don't think Toronto has enough extra to tempt them, in spite of Magloire's Canadian ties. But he'll be a free agent in the summer of 2007 and there's always a chance Bryan Colangelo can swing a three-way.

Steve (Andover, MA): You put Mike James on that list of the 10 guys you'll miss most when the playoffs start and NOT PAUL PIERCE. My question: Who the heck are you?

Marc Stein: I am a guy who enjoys watching Mike James play more than watching Paul Pierce. Won't try to explain it cause I don't know if I can. I've just become a big James fan this year. I'm not normally moved by gunning and yapping but he fascinates me.

Abe Solberg (Berkeley, CA): Would you favor a switch to 5 game series in the playoffs? I used to enjoy the first round because of this feature and I wonder whether 5 games would be the way to go all the way through the playoffs. Your thoughts?

Marc Stein: Definitely. I think we all miss it. But the comissioner says they're not going back to best-of-five. It's extra revenue for the teams involved.

Nathan (Texas): Could we possibly see a Staples Center series in the second round along with the I-35 series? And would that be a good thing for basketball outside of Southern Cali and Texas?

Marc Stein: Anything is possible. But I don't think you have to worry about the rest of the country because we won't be seeing the Clippers and Lakers meet in Round 2.

Charles (San Jose): Marc, what do you think about Greg Anthony thinking the Lakers have a chance to upset the Suns because they dominated a home game without Steve Nash and Raja Bell, with reduced minutes for Shawn Marion, and with significant minutes for two guys who won't see any daylight in the series - Nikoloz Tskitishvili and Pat Burke?

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Marc Stein: I think Greg, my old buddy from our Fullerton-Vegas days, is entitled to his opinion. i just don't agree with it. Suns would much rather see the Lakers as opposed to the Kings. I expect Phoenix to run them off the floor in five. Six at the most if Kobe goes nuts.

Mark, NC: The Bobcats will have a TON of cap space who do you see them trying to sign or will they wait this year out and try to spend big next year on some high profile talent?

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Marc Stein: They plan to save their money for one more summer. Until the summer of 2007. That's what I've been told.

Jerome (NYC): Is there anything in the NBA today that is more annoying than Haslem CONSTANTLY chewing on his mouthpiece? I reckon the NBA should take care of that before they even consider taking the tights away.

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Marc Stein: Stop being a Heat Hater.

Carlos, Chicago: Marc, in anticipation of todays matchup, who has a bigger upside of potential future all-stars, The Chicago Bulls or Orlando Magic (and who will win tonights game)? Thanks from playoff bound Chicago!!

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Marc Stein: Congrats to the Bulls. They deserve everything they're getting for finishing with a flourish. I've been riding them like Skiles when they had losing records in February and March seemed to turn down every invitation to claim a playoff spot. But this 10-2 roll means they've earned their way in.

Marc Stein: As for your question, Carlos, the reflex answer is naturally Orlando because of Dwight and Darko (and maybe Vazquez) and Nelson's progress at PG. But it's premature to say so because the Bulls, on top of this rally into the tournament, also have the Knicks' No. 1 pick coming and buckets of cap space in the summer. I'd rather have Dwight Howard in my pocket, but it's close.

Hector (Anaheim):: Aren't you selling Phil a little short on what the lakers could do in the playoffs? Nobody has been better than Phil Jackson in the postseason, and it sounds as if he has been sizing up Phoenix for a couple of weeks.

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Marc Stein: Don't think so. Phil's presence is the reason, even more than Kobe, that I picked the Lakers to reach the playoffs back in October. But Phil and Kobe can only do so much with the limitations of the Lakers' personnel. I think the Suns can handle LA's bigs even without Kurt Thomas and Amare. It's a lot to ask Kobe to do it four times in seven games against a team that will run him ragged.

Tomas, Austin: Should the Clippers be fined for losing big to a lottery team at home? It sure looks like they are tanking to play a 45-win team at their place rather than a 60-win team on the road.

Marc Stein: The problem is proving it. How can you prove they were tanking against Seattle. The Clips can easily argue that, because they've already clinched a playoff spot, they've earned the right to limit their stars' minutes down the stretch to protect them for the post-season.

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Marc Stein: The seeding system bothers me more than anything the Clips might or might not have done. Kudos to Grizz for winning six of seven and finishing the season strong, but if the Clips beat Denver in the first round and the Grizz get smoked by Dallas, will Grizz fans be satisfied with this strong finish?

bill (philly): Rumor in Philly is that AI will Quietly ask Billy King to trade him and the Sixers will this offseason. My money is on the Nuggets, your thoughts.

Marc Stein: Those teams did have some talks at the All-Star break so it's natural to assume that they might revive those discussions. And Denver clearly isn't afraid to this big a gamble even though I struggle to see the appeal of an Iverson/Melo partnership. I'm not betting on Denver. But, again, I don't have a team to give you yet that I do see as a legit AI destination.

Thomas (Memphis, TN): "Kudos to Grizz for winning six of seven and finishing the season strong, but if the Clips beat Denver in the first round and the Grizz get smoked by Dallas, will Grizz fans be satisfied with this strong finish?" NO!

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Marc Stein: Thanks for confirming that.

WTFGlenn, GR, MI: Marc, congrats on being the only ESPN talking head (out of 12) that picked the Pistons to win the East back in October. What kept you from picking them over the Spurs?

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Marc Stein: Like a lot of folks, I loved the Spurs' off-season moves. And I still like them, actually. Finley has had his moments and I never expected anything from Van Exel until the playoffs anyway because he is the PG version of Rob Horry. NVE planned all along to save his gas for the playoffs.

Marc Stein: But Detroit is the undeniable favorite when the playoffs begin. This was their best regular-season ever and the Pistons' bench is deeper than it was last spring. Factor in the Spurs' injuries -- their two best players, TD and Manu, are still playing hurt -- and the fact that Detroit will host every Game 7 in the playoffs and it's impossible to argue otherwise.

D (Indiana): are you picking the pistons now?

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Marc Stein: No. I can't. You know my rules by now. I picked the Spurs at the start of the season and, barring catastrophic injuries that completely change the landscape, I stick with my picks.

Greg (Miami): Heat Hater, you are. In the top 10 of your latest Power Rankings, you had a positive thing to say about all of those teams ... except the Heat. Why is that again? Oh, yeah ... YOU ARE A HEAT HATER (and a Pistons lover).

Marc Stein: First of all, Greg, I'm pretty sure I mentioned flaws for several teams in the top 10 of the rankings. Secondly, please tell me: What in Miami has been so positive during this regular season apart from D-Wade? How many weeks has your team impressed you, Heat Lover? Pat Riley has had harsher things to say about this team than I have, judging by some of the quotes I've seen. If they do in the playoffs what we haven't seen in the regular season, I'll be the first in line to praise them. But I'd like to understand, from the Heat Lover perspective, what I should have been raving about over the past six months?

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Marc Stein: Heat Lovers have a whole week to come up with answers to my question. We'll do this again soon after the playoffs get under way.

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