It was a matter of time. Jeff Munn has lingered in the background long enough.
As a very, very, very, very huge fan of Vin Scully since 1952, I am a very huge fan of Jeff Munn. His sound (and knowledge of baseball trivia) is so reminiscent of Vinnie at a younger age.
Thank you, Jeff, for your patience in waiting for the D-backs to give you an opportunity beyond pre- and post-game.
Jeff was kind enough to respond to an email I sent him some years ago, asking how long he would wait. He was a company man all the way in his response.
The Guv'nor, Greg Schulte, is a Phoenix institution and, happily, won his bout with cancer. He is a fixture.
I wish Munny the best in his career and hope he lands a good position as a radio play-by-play voice within Major League baseball.