Jeremy Green Chat


Jan 6, 2004
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Queens, NY...soon to be PHX
Jeremy Green: (3:57 PM ET ) Hey everyone. We are going to start a little different today. There are a lot of people that can't be on-line when I chat but send in questions every week. I pre-wrote answers to their questions for the last 30 minutes so they could get posted too. I am going to put my answers in to their questions and then we will be ready to roll live. Thanks for your patience.

Lee (Florida): J Green: 3 best GM's/personnel guys in the biz and 3 best scouts in the biz in your opinion are_______________?

Jeremy Green: (3:58 PM ET ) The top 4 GMS are Ozzie Newsome (Baltimore), Kevin Colbert (Pittsburgh), Tom Heckert (Philadelphia) and Ted Sundquist (Denver) The top 3 scouts ready to make the jump to the next level and become College Directors are Brian Gardner (Tampa Bay), Steve Keim (Arizona) and Conrad Cordano (Minnesota).

Martin (San Diego, CA): What is the most important thing that scouts will look at when rookies go through combines?

Todd (Boston,MA): Wouldn't Javon Walker for Donnie Edwards make sense? SD needs receiving and clearly shopping Edwards. Packers need LB help and WWalker wants out. Both have expiring contracts after this year.

Ben, Houston: Hey Jeremy, What do you think the Jets would have to give up for the Texans first pick.

Travis, Braham MN: Hey Jeremy! I'm thinking the only way the Vikings will land one of the elite 3 QB's is if they trade up. Are there any teams in the late top-ten, early second-ten that would trade with the Vikes?

Jeremy Green: (4:00 PM ET ) Hey Travis. There are 7 blue-chip players in this draft. So you need to start talking with Buffalo at #8. I think them, along with Detroit and Arizona are prime teams in the top 10 that could move. Outside the top 10 I would to Cleveland who could move down and still potentially get Wimbelry who would be an excellent 3-4 OLB in their defense. Other teams outside the top 10 could potentially be a Baltimore of Philadelphia that would feel they could move down and still get a Winston Justice or Ernie Simms. The Cardinals are the first team that will look to Cutler, so that is when the Vikes will get on the horn.

Ryan (Denver): Jeremy, with the Broncos trading out of the 22nd pick, do you see them making the expected pick of Holmes or Jackson in the 1st, and then trying to pick up an RB in the second? If so, who would be good value for them at 37?

Brian Cleveland Ohio: Who do you think the Browns should draft with the number 12 pick? I am obviously partial to Ohio boy Bobby Carpenter or even Chad Greenway. I have heard a lot of talk on the Nose tackle from Oregon. I personally wouldn't like that move because of the recent pick up of Ted Washington. What are your thoughts?

Brian (Bay Area): Is there any specific CB's the 49ers will hope to have fall to them at 22?

Jeremy Green: (4:02 PM ET ) Hey Brian. They would be looking at Jimmy Williams who by the way has fallen off the face of the earth. There has been a lot of negativity swirling around his work ethic and character. They are also high on Cromartie and Joseph. I think the one player to watch here is not a corner though. Manny Lawson the DE/OLB is a perfect 3-4 guy and will go in this area. They made the deal for a reason and I think that reason was for Lawson who they really need after losing Peterson and Carter in Free Agency.

Paul (Indy): Hey Jeremy, love your chats. I've heard that some teams are souring on Matt Leinart because of concerns that he'd rather be a big-time celebrity than a big-time quarterback. Any truth to this and could he end up sliding come draft day?

Jeremy Green: (4:02 PM ET ) Hey Paul. There is some though that Leinart could fall on draft day in part as to the reason you just gave and in part because there is a belief by many teams that the Titans have Vince Young rated higher. I know Fisher and Chow (Ex-USC) guys like Leinart, but keep in mind that GM Floyd Reese will make the choice he wants. Also keep in mind that Reese and Fisher are barely even on speaking terms. One team that believes this scenario is the Raiders who have been on the phone with the Jets looking to move up to grab young themselves at #2.

Ryan (Pittsburgh): Hey Jeremy, do you see the Steelers targeting a specific player like they did last year when everyone knew they wanted Heath Miller, or will they be taking the best player availible approach?

Jeremy Green: (4:03 PM ET ) Well, I think last season they got the best of both worlds. They got Miller at a position of need, but lets not forget, he was the top rated player left on their board because his stock dropped late due to a hernia problem that they knew would not be a problem once camp started. Pittsburgh always stays true to their board, meaning they will take the best player available. If that player happened to be LenDale White, Sinorcie Moss, or Nick Mangold, it would only be a plus.

Jon (Eau Claire, WI): Would it be smart for the Jets to try and trade with New Orleans to gaurantee they get the Quarterback they want (assuming they go that route)?

Ray Lynbrook N.Y.: Jeremy-If Mario Williams and AJ Hawk are both there at #5 who should the Packers pick? Also what is the most value Javon Walker would command before the draft? Thanks.

Joe (St. Louis, MO): Jeremy who are the Rams going to be looking at with the 11th pick in the draft this year?

Jeremy Green: (4:04 PM ET ) I think the Rams need to address the defensive side of the ball. That means they will be looking at the DT that is left, probably Bunkley. They also need to consider Ernie Sims the outstanding WLB. The Wild Card obviously will be QB Jay Cutler. While not a huge need, there is the potential he is the highest rated player left on their board and with him they can draft their potential QB of the future.

Name: (City and State):: What is the team that has improved the most this offseason?

Jeremy Green: (4:04 PM ET ) The Cleveland Browns have made the most strides this off-season. They upgraded the OL with Bentley and Schaffer. They added two defensive vets in Washington and McGinest to bring the young guys along. Jurevicius will give them more leadership too on the offensive side of the ball. I just think Cleveland made great strides and now with 9 total draft picks, you are looking at a team with a year to gel that should be a playoff team in 2007.

Bob (Madison, WI): True or False: Javon Walker is a Green Bay Packer on May 1st.

Jeremy Green: (4:06 PM ET ) False, he does not want to be there and I really don't think he will show up. Green Bays is askingtoo much though. They could get a straight 2 and I think they should make the deal.

Chris (LA): Jeremy, I'm not a Broncos fan (Browns!), but why would they trade out of 22? A WR and RB with those picks (both needs) seemed logicial to me.

Jeremy Green: (4:08 PM ET ) I have heard from people in their organization that they are trying to use one of theri 2nd round picks to trade for Javon Walker. They could then take a RB at #15 (D. Williams) and a TE @ #37 (Fasano).

Matt (Sacramento, CA): Jeremy, why do teams sour so much on injured players like Lendale White and then go out and sign known injury-prone veterans to big free agent contracts? I think White will be a steal (and this coming from a UCLA grad). You said it earlier with Heath Miller. A guy has one poorly timed injury and it's the end of the world. Julian Peterson can't stay on the field and he gets a huge deal. Seems silly. Your thoughts?

Jeremy Green: (4:10 PM ET ) I agree in Miller's case, but in White's caseI would disagree. White's injuy seems to convneient in that it falls after he has done zip this off-season. if that hammy was a huge issue they would have brought it up much ealrier. As for signing vets that are injured... guys that tned to have injury issues tend to stay injured even when they swtich teams so I agree in that regard.

Skylar (Memphis, TN): I was just wondering what you thought or DeAngelo Williams. Do you think he will have a better NFL career than say Maroney, Bush, or White? What kind of career do you see him having? Thanks!

Jeremy Green: (4:12 PM ET ) I think he will fall in line behind Bush. He is a guy that has alwasy been a little under appreciated because of the Conference he plays in. He reminds me of a young Priest Holmes in terms of his running style. he does not catch it as well eight now, but I htink route running and pass catching ability are two areas that Williams will make great strides early in his career.

Tyrone (ohio): Do you think the Browns will trade up or down in the draft? Is there a player that they just love at 12 that may not be there or could be there that they would trade down?

Jeremy Green: (4:14 PM ET ) I think they could move down about 3-5 spots and still get Wimbley from Flordia St. He would be a great fit in their scheme. I do not see them moving up in the first round. They do have 9 picks, so they could move up in another round to get a player they like. They could also use Jeff Faine or William Green as trade bait to move up in a round.

Brian (Calgary, AB): What do you think of the 49ers new front office hire?

Jeremy Green: (4:15 PM ET ) I love it. I worked with Lal Henegan in Cleveland. He is without a doubt one of the brightest people I have ever known in terms of his businness acumen, feel for the cap...etc.. He will do an outstanding job for them.

Chris (Boston MA): With his ability to play physical, do you think Richard Marshall is the best option for the Pats if they opt for a corner in the first round?

Jeremy Green: (4:18 PM ET ) There are other guys I would select first. Jimmy Williams is falling and may be available. I would also go with Cromartie over Marshall. I like Marshall too, but closer to the bottom of the first round or early 2nd.

Jay (Providence): Hey Jeremy, love the chats and the podcast! If you're running the Eagles, what positions are you hoping to fill on the first day?

Jeremy Green: (4:20 PM ET ) I am looking for an OT, WR and OLB. The order depends on what is available. In Round 1 they could be looking at Sims, Justice and Holmes who play those positions. In my opinion I would go with Holmes because of the lack of depth at the WR position. If you could come away with Whitworth from LSU in tround 2, now you are on to something solid with your first two selections.

Joe Boston MA: How can Scott Pioli/Bill Belichick not be in your top 4 GM list. The continue to replace players lost on a yearly basis. Plus winning 3 titles in 5 years in a league that doesn't want this to happen.

Jeremy Green: (4:21 PM ET ) Because I did not include Head Coaches. I would have Pioli 5th on my list.

Rick (Coral Springs, FL: Hey Jeremy, Do you see Maurice Stovall being drafted before the Steelers make their second round selection?

Jeremy Green: (4:23 PM ET ) In most years I would say he is there, however, this is not a great WR group. I think ultimatley Stovall will go prior to the Steeler's selection. He had a big Senior year is a more passer friendly offense with Weiss. GM's will take note and say this is a guy that is on the rise. HE will be gone in the middle of the 2nd round.

Josh (Wilmington, DE): Jeremy, Did you realize that you have skipped like 6-7 answers and only posted the questions?

Jeremy Green: (4:25 PM ET ) I do now. I had pre-wrote answers to those questions, but they are not showing up. Don't know - I will get them in later though.

Jonny (Los Angeles): Which of the "second tier" QBs do you like, and where in the draft do you see them being picked?

Jeremy Green: (4:28 PM ET ) I like Kellen Clemens. I think he is a guy that is on the rise and could go at the bottom of the 2nd round. He has, great size, has a strong arm and is very smart.

Brandon (San Antonio): I'm really excited about the Cardinals team this year (I bet you are too) but how come nobody projects Winston Justice to be taken with pick #10? That seems like a no-brainer with all of the skill position talent your Dad has and the poor OL production last year!

Jeremy Green: (4:31 PM ET ) I think they are like a lot of teams that have some concerns about his work ethic. Two guys that were similar coming out are Walter Jones and Mike Williams (Buffalo now JAX). Teams are a little worried to make the pick, because they don't know which way he is going to go. He is a definte boom or bust player. As for the Cardinals OL, yes they need to address it and if they don't take Justice they will start that process in the Round 2.

(Jason Seattle): anyway Seattle takes Kellen Clemens in the 2nd round he looks like he could run a west coast syestem?

Jeremy Green: (4:32 PM ET ) I agree Jason, but I do not Seattle taking a QB early since they tok Greene last season.

Brandon(phoenix): What is your best guess as to what the Cardinals do with their pick and do honestly see them as a playoff team all biased aside?

Jeremy Green: (4:35 PM ET ) I am going to go with Sims the OLB. I think he playing opposite of Dansby gives them an excellent duo in Pendergast's system. This is of course assuming Vince Young is off the board.

Ric ( Charlotte ): Carolina had a pretty good off-season too, and they have had pretty strong drafts. Hurney should be mentioned with those other GM's. Scouts Inc did.

Jeremy Green: (4:37 PM ET ) I agree. you could make a case for Hurney... he has done an excellent job too.

Mad Mike (Houston): Jeremy: I think the 49ers were nuts to make that deal. They need players to upgrade their weak personel. With this deep draft they could have socred two players with the picks they sent Denver. This pick @ 22 doesn't make them playoff contenders, they are not ONE player away! Your thoughts!

Jeremy Green: (4:39 PM ET ) I agree Mike. I think they would have been better off moving back and collecting picks because they need a lot of players. This is similar to what I said last season about the FA class. They gave a ton of money to Jennings when they could have signed 7 free agents with that money. For them they should be looking for more players. Once they establish some depth, then go out and find some big money players.

eric (NY): HEY JEREMY you're the man! what do you think bout this potential trade? If Williams slips to 4 the lions trade up to get their pass rusher while the jets move back to get their big NT Ngata or Huff plus extra picks?

Jeremy Green: (4:42 PM ET ) I don't think the Lions will trade up for a DE. They re-signed Edwards this past off-season. If the Lions do move up it should be for Davis. If the Jets do move back in that 8-12 range, I think it will be for Cutler. They are enamored with Cutler... they just can't take him at #4.

Milwaukee, WI: Is Brett Favre ever going to make up his mind? Seriously, most Wisconsinites are getting sick of this debacle! We can't handle any more losing seasons (after last year...), so we just need him to decide. What do you think Brett should do?

Jeremy Green: (4:43 PM ET ) I think he should retire. He was a great QB and I don't want to see him play on a sub-par team and have an awful season like he did in 2005. I want to remember him as being one of the best of all time, not the guy who threw close to 60 interceptions in his last two seasons.

Ribert, CA: Do you think that the Eagles have any chance of getting Javon Walker? If so then what do you think the Eagles will have to give up?

Jeremy Green: (4:45 PM ET ) It is going to cost a 2nd round pick, and they have to many needs to part with that pick.

Stillwater OK: Why do scouts believe that Martin Nance will drop to the second day, he was once thouhgt as a second or late first rounder?

Jeremy Green: (4:48 PM ET ) I think there are two issues. First off, he ran 4.58 but plays in the mid 4.6 range. There are comcerns about his ability to consistently spearate at the next level. Secondly, he had the knee injury in 2004 and there are some teams that have durability concerns.

matt (az): with all his pre-draft hype, what are the odds of vernon davis slipping to #10 for the cardinals? it would make them one of most explosive offences in the NFC...

Jeremy Green: (4:56 PM ET ) I think my dad would be very excited if that were the case. It is not far fetched. If he does not go #6 San Francisco, he could easily be there @ #10.
Last edited:

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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I've been reading Jeremeys chats lately and he's not giving away any state secrets. he's said we love Young, love Cutler, similar comments to today on Justice(have concerns). he was saying we liked white until we signed Edge, hasn't talked about him since with respect to us. he's mentioned Sims several times, and he's mentioned Huff and Jimmy Williams.

IIRC he's never mentioned Ngata in relation to us so if he's bluffing, that's our pick.


Registered User
Supporting Member
Oct 3, 2003
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Thanks for posting and bolding the important parts. :thumbup:


Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
Pariah said:
Thought this was interesting.

This is what I figure will happen. Somebody will trade into the top 5 or 6 to get one of the top 2 QBs, this results in some players falling in the draft. Around pick 9 if not earlier (depending on when VY and Leinart are taken), some team like the Vikings will panic and trade up based on who we are rumored to be interested in (we don't know for sure) thus resulting in a good player such as Vernon Davis or Michael Huff falling right to us.

There is always a run on players at a certain position, in the top 12 I expect 2 ... QB and DT


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
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I wanted to see some of the answers to his earlier questions that didnt get answer or didnt show up.

I really wanted to see his answer to the what scouts look for at the combine questions.

Cbus cardsfan

Back to Back ASFN FFL Champion
May 14, 2002
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I hope Jimmy Williams falls all the way to round 2, say about the 8th pick in that round :D .

Matt L

formerly known as mattyboy
Sep 14, 2002
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Phoenix, Arizona
if we really want an outside linebacker we should try and trade down and pick up carpenter, greenway, or demeco ryans, or maybe even sims drops to us, but i think that there is still value in outside linebacker later in the draft.


Herfin BIg Time
Apr 1, 2003
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In A Cigar Bar Near You
mattyboy said:
if we really want an outside linebacker we should try and trade down and pick up carpenter, greenway, or demeco ryans, or maybe even sims drops to us, but i think that there is still value in outside linebacker later in the draft.

Man I agree, I just dont see an under sized LB as either a need or BPA. I don't think Sims is a top 20 pick.


Superbowl, Homeboy!
May 14, 2002
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Expat in Kuala Lumpur
joeshmo said:
I wanted to see some of the answers to his earlier questions that didnt get answer or didnt show up.

I really wanted to see his answer to the what scouts look for at the combine questions.
I can recomment this book, Joe.

It's gives a very good picture of what goes on behind the scenes of the draft and follows the three sides of the draft in an entire year leading up to the draft. It follows the Falcons' scouting department and front office, Al Groh and the players from U of Virginia and finally it shows the draft from an agents perspective (Todd France, who had Cadillac, Carlos Rogers, Thomas Davis and Roddy White as clients)

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