I flipped on him a couple years ago, then was hopeful with the growth we all saw last season, then completely fell out of favor this year.
This kid has talent that oozes out of his pores. It has come so easy, for so long, that I'm afraid he will not put the work in that is required to fully achieve what he is capable of.
He's grown up with some wealth around him his entire life. Was always coddled and protected. And his superior talent allowed him to coast through High School and then succeed in College. I just fear that he has never been forced to work hard, claw, and scratch for what he's got. He's been given everything. told he is everything. And when push comes to shove....... he hasn't proven anything over the course of 4 seasons now. In spurts..... Sure. But not over the long grind of a full season that includes the playoffs.
I see unrealized potential. A lot of it. I will still hope for the best and root for him (like
@jf-08 said above), but the
immeasurable traits I need to see from a champion, so far, do not seem to exist within him. And his team has made more than this comment about it. i think Fitz has said some stuff as well as others that just cement my feelings.