Kids in America

Brian in Mesa

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Kids in America

Release Date: October 21, 2005
Studio: Slow Hand Releasing
Director: Josh Stolberg
Screenwriter: Andrew Shaifer, Josh Stolberg
Genre: Comedy, Drama
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for sexual content, mature thematic elements and language)
Website: Kids in America

Starring: Gregory Smith, Stephanie Sherrin, Chris Morris, Caitlin Wachs, Emy Coligado, Crystal Celeste Grant, Alex Anfanger, Julie Bowen, Malik Yoba, Andrew Shaifer, Nicole Richie, Genevieve Cortese, George Wendt, Adam Arkin, Jeff Chase

Plot Summary: Kids In America is a reality-based dramedy about the experiences of young people in modern-day America. Set in the fictional Booker High School a diverse group of students are tired of seeing their freedoms taken away. They band together and change their world by empowering themselves and their community to protect freedoms of expression and speech.

Holden Donovan (Gregory Smith) is fed up with Principal Weller (Julie Bowen) who goes to great lengths to stop the students from exercising their right to free expression. She expels a young woman for passing out condoms and advocating safe sex on national “safe sex” day and suspends two boys who were kissing in the hallway. Meanwhile, she is running for the Superintendent of their school district, which will give her a chance to practice her brand of administration beyond Booker High School.

The students have an ally in Mr. Drucker (Malik Yoba) one of their teachers who encourages them to fight for their rights. He pays a price for his leadership and is fired by Principal Weller. He decides to use his dismissal to make a change of his own, by producing a documentary chronicling the experiences of students who are faced with similar issues.

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