the shield law means that pass sex cant not be used as a issue in the case. period. almost everything we have heard is about her past has come from the defense for kobe. dont you think that would be just a little one sided?
Scotsman, that's simply untrue . Without getting too into it--I don't have time, and it was four years ago that I last studied it in depth--there exists under the rape shield law a presumption that sex by the accuser both before and after the alleged rape is irrelevant. There are myriad exceptions to the law, and a judge granting an exception doesn't mean he's not upholding the law--merely that he's interpreting it.
If the accuser had consensual sex within 12 hours after the alleged rape, the judge might consider that fact relevant and permit its admission into evidence. A criminal law atty friend of mine told me he thinks it'll probably be admitted. If she had sex immediately before the alleged rape and there is expert testimony that the "form" of consensual sex she had is consistent with the injuries she sustained during the alleged rape, the judge might consider that fact relevant and admissible. That evidence will almost certainly be admitted.
Kobe will not be found guilty. He will have an expert to testify that the injuries she sustained (which are miniscule, by the way) are consistent with *********** sex. He will have another expert to testify that the injuries typically would create the amount of blood which was found on his shirt--a speck, mind you, not visible to the naked eye. He will have an expert who will testify that the behavior of the accuser--without regard to sex immediately after the alleged rape--is inconsistent with that of a woman who actually was raped. More importantly, perhaps, I'd bet there will be a juror--male or female--who understands that certain guys don't "fit" real well in certain girls. Certainly the argument will be made, probably by Kobe himself. If I was Kobe's atty, he'd be on the stand talking about how big he is and how small she was, and how he didn't know she wanted him to stop until she tried to move his hands off her neck. He didn't have an orgasm for God's sake. That fact alone might get him off (no pun intended).
This woman will have to take the stand, and any atty worth a damn would tear her to shreds, and certainly Kobe's attorneys will. Does that mean Kobe didn't rape the girl? No, and I have no idea whether he did. But what really happened and what a prosecutor can prove happened are two entirely different things.
Back to work.