Late On Coverage: HOF game last look


Apr 30, 2003
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I have two things before I do a brief overview of the notes I took while watching the game....yeah, that is right, notes during the game.

1. To the rabid football fan that enjoys talking about the team, it is completely understood that devising answers to questions from one preseason game, 10 days into camp is crazy. Yet, while that is understood, what do you expect a rabid fan to do ? This is our look into the fish bowl, and it is all we have to go on. While it is a flash in the pan of what is going on, to be fair to us all, it is an analysis of the most important part of football and that is what is done on the gameday field.

2. Yes, it has gotten a little "heated" but I will admit the big story, which is the QB position is being covered well on both sides. A tip of the hat to the board, I think the debates have been pretty fair on both sides.

1st Half with Kevin Kolb in:

1. Noted that Campbell doesn't look like he is slowing down with his new contract. What a huge, huge signing for this team, and he proves it right away on the first series of the game.

2. A majority of our defensive backfield has become the tweener, CB/S mold. William Gay looks like a safety, Peterson is a big guy, Flemming is a big guy, Bethel is a big guy. With the size, and emphasis on tackling it makes sense to me.

3. Seems to me we at least ran the ball pretty well, not great or good but well.

4. I saw that Housler got the start this game, and was happy to see it at this point. There is no doubt the athleticism of Housler, and his potential, but we will see.

5. BLOK - Kolb throws a pick. If Kolb is a "leg thrower" then he should try to keep his legs underneath him.

6. Rashad Johnson over pursues and allows a huge run. He didn't even get blocked. I still don't know why we have this guy in camp. He is a bust.

6a. Schofield still is a liability against the run.

7. As usual, David Carter with pressure. Can we start acknowledging this guy as an asset to the defensive line ? It is like watching was Alan Branch should have been.

8. Back on offense that was a hell of a catch by Anthony Sherman. Sherman looks to be in NFL shape this year.

9. Poor BLOK - I have nothing against Kolb. Let the best man win is my motto this offseason. I want Double Deuce to start, but to also beat out Kolb fair and square not by injury. The point is to get the best QB out on the field game 1, and you need two player to have a competition. For what we saw of Kolb, I didn't see much of a change from last year.

1st Half with John Skelton in:

10. Shawn Bradley with a good sack and an embarrassing dance. Bradley is starting to look like the player I thought we were getting from Philly. Just read up on his physical stature. He is a big big ILB and has good quickness, can blitz, and can cover. If he can come back to 90% of what he was, then Lenon is going to the bench. In this first game of the preseason, I saw Lenon try to stand up a RB and get run over, and hurt. I saw Bradley try to stand up a RB and succeed in doing so. Just sayin'

11. John "Double Deuce" Skelton - leads the team down for a TD drive against the Saints 2nd team defense. Good drive.

12. Stewart Bradley with good pass defense in a clutch situation. I am telling you, if Bradley gets his old game back to where it was, Washington, and Bradley would be a force this year, and complement each other very well.

13. David Carter with more pressure. Call me crazy, but why not put Carter - Dockett - Williams - Campbell out there on nickle packages ?

14. Bobby Massie is not ready for the NFL. He looks so bad, that I can see him being safe on our practice squad. BUT, it is the 1st preason game, patience.

15. Horrible job blocking by Housler, he gets rag-dolled on the play. Literally a DE grabs him and throws him away.

16. Massie shows again that he is not ready for the NFL.

17. Gideon with a really, nice pick. They have this kid playing FS. Again, the defensive backfield of the Cardinals depth wise is full of fast, big, and aggressive players.

18. Back on offensive Housler has a very nice catch. A couple plays later he drops a 3rd down pass that would have moved the chains. It hit him in the hands, and he dropped it. That CAN NOT HAPPEN!!!!!! To me this is more of the same from Housler. He has to step it up.

19. Justin Bethel with a great play on special teams. Not surprising, I have like this kid since before the draft. He has the size for safety, better speed than more NFL safeties, he is a special teams demon, and is young. The Cardinals have to find a place for Bethel on the final 53. Are we really going to keep Rashad Johnson instead of Bethel ?

3rd string QB's in:

20. Jaymar Johnson - Drops 3rd down pass that would have moved the chains. He has been with the Cardinals since last year. Uh..... you are cut.

21. Potter gets de-cleated. He needs work. He can be put on the practice squad without the fear of him getting signed elsewhere. He needs at least a year of NFL training to get his weight and power up.

4th Quarter:

22. I have waited the entire game to say it. Our tackling is horrible. It is like watching Christian Okoye in the old Tecmo Bowl video game. Defensive players being left in the dust left and right.

23. Larry Parker shows he is going to leave everything out on the field. He gets a pat on the back for a spectacular "almost interception".

24. Quentin Groves - So Mr. Groves made a statement during this game. He was put out on the field with 3rd stringers and camp fodder. He dominated in that situation. ** Please realize that this is what you want. If you have a player who should have the talent to dominate anything less then NFL talent and he does dominate that talent, then good! That is what they are supposed to do. ** He made a mockery of the situation where he: A. Guessed the snap count correctly, B. new it was a running play, and C. blew it all up. Right now the OLB depth chart is: Acho, Schofield, Haggans, and Groves/whomever can beat him out. Groves is NFL depth talent. I am fine with him on the final 53.

25. Justin Bethel blocks a FG. Ho Hum. Yeah, well that is what I expected out of the guy. He has to be on the final 53.

26. Elder - Wow! Again, tough decisions for the Cardinals at the end of this preseason. What a hit!

27. LaRon Byrd - I will be honest. All the hype in camp, the long dred locks, the big stature. This guy, in my mind, was the hype pick of camp. Yet, he comes out and goes all Lance Long/Max Komar/Stephen Williams on us. Will he be the camp sensation that actually shows something in the regular season ? We will see. Good first game, but I have seen this show before.

28. Steve Skelton comes out of no where, and plays a little FB, and TE. He showed enough, and played better than Dray to consider for Dray's spot. Not to mention Skelton is a BIG BOY!


Thats it. That is what I personally saw in the game. The QB situation is still up in the air to me. Kolb is going to get more chances, and that is a good thing. Skelton played solid but also did things that make you feel he is not where he needs to be. The check down pass that sailed over whomever the RB was, is just awful.

I don't see much improvement from last year so far with Kolb or Skelton. I call the game a push honestly.

Am I the only person that would bring in Matt Moore ? I like Skelton, but he has to show more for me to be "comfortable" with just Kolb and Skelton. I don't want to see Bartel starting for us, and Lindley is not ready.

Let me put on my coaching hat:

Rugbymuffin's Cardinals Depth Chart:


Smith - For a 4th stringer who plays well on ST. He is a perfect fit.






Wedgie - Kid looked good out there. Yes, against camp fodder but none the lesss.

*** BIG BIG questions on the offensive line. I couldn't tell you who I would want out there. It is like asking which foot to shoot yourself in.



[Wide Open] - thought Vasallo looked pretty good.

[??????] - Very Close

[?????] - Very Close






Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Good stuff and pretty much agree.

Go watch Senio Kelemete at guard and you will pencil him in with a spot on the roster. Best of the rookies on the OL.

Sam Acho had a horrible game and failed to keep contain on a couple of occasions. Was responsible for some real big runs during that first Saint drive.

I too am impressed with our depth in the defensive backfield. Love the effort from all of the rookies. AJ Jefferson better step up his game or he will be outstide looking in.

I'm not sold on Skelton the TE/FB. I still think he is a longshot to make the roster.


Oct 10, 2011
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5. BLOK - Kolb throws a pick. If Kolb is a "leg thrower" then he should try to keep his legs underneath him.
Its stuff like this that really dives home that, ignoring the injuries, Kolb is not good. What is he doing with his feet there? He has a well defined pocket, time to make reads, instead he stares down his man and then makes a one legged throw despite a total lack of pressure. And the read was so awful it gets picked no matter how he throws it.

Looking at the replay I dont even know if Roberts could have caught it with where it was thrown, it would have required some solid toe dragging.

Just an inexcusable play.


Jun 10, 2002
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1. To the rabid football fan that enjoys talking about the team, it is completely understood that devising answers to questions from one preseason game, 10 days into camp is crazy. Yet, while that is understood, what do you expect a rabid fan to do ? This is our look into the fish bowl, and it is all we have to go on. While it is a flash in the pan of what is going on, to be fair to us all, it is an analysis of the most important part of football and that is what is done on the gameday field.

It's not Crazy at all. Except for the rookies it isn't just one pre season game 10 days into camp. All the veterans have a body of work that we look at and then add that to what they do in the game. That's the mistake that I see so many make when they make the excuse that it is just the first game or just one game for a player. Ignoring the previous years performances.


Draft Man
Sep 14, 2002
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North Carolina
Good stuff Rugby! A few thoughts of mine. First O-line- Thought D Colledge played the best. Levi Brown and Sendlein both played well. Snyder was okay, but I expected more from him. Bridges was pretty solid. The backups that I liked were Senio Kelemete- He is a fighter. He gets to the second level well and he does well pulling too. He has good feet as well. I only see one weakness in his game really and that is size and strength. Bigger DT's will push him back in the pocket. He would be perfect for Denver's type of running game. Still I like this kid and would be okay with him as Colledge's backup going into the season.

Bobby Massie started out a little rough in this game but got better as it went on. He played alot of this game. It was nice to see him play so much. His runblocking and strength were very good. He is a much better athlete than any of the other backup tackles. It will only be a matter of time before he starts. He has four more preseason games to get it together. Just a thought and I know it wont happen, but why not start Massie at RG and then let him move to RT next year. His size and strength would be a better asset than Snyder. Massie would be a better runblocker than Snyder IMOP.

DJ Young was the third best backup of the night. I thought he did a pretty good job at LT. Nate Potter needs coaching and to me is at least a year if not two away from a number two spot, but I think he will make it and should make the practice squad.

Other guys that I was impressed with on the offense were-WR Laron Byrd. If it were up to me he would make the team. The kid is a player. Housler would be my starting TE. Too much talent to stay as the backup. Ryan Lindley I think makes the team over Bartel. More upside. Floyd should do well his first year. He looks good. If we keep a fourth TE I would like to take Steve Skelton over Jim Dray.

On the defensive line I would keep Landon Cohen over both Eason and Holliday. This kid will make more of an impact to me. Having him and David Carter gives us two young guys that play well behind the starters.

At linebacker Groves stole the show on the outside and Bradley on the inside this game. If we keep 7 linebackers they would be Acho, Washington, Bradley, Schofield, Lenon, Groves and Sturdivant.

DB's- I think this will take all preseason to figure out. Right now to me there is no clear cut #2 CB. Who I think will win out is Toler. To me he is the better athlete and should win if he can stay healthy. I think Gay wins the nickel job with Fleming and Jefferson the backups. At safety I was impressed with James Sanders the most. I think he will make the roster along with Bethel. I can't see Mike Adams making the team unless they choose him over Jefferson.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Good stuff Rugby! A few thoughts of mine. First O-line- Thought D Colledge played the best. Levi Brown and Sendlein both played well. Snyder was okay, but I expected more from him. Bridges was pretty solid. The backups that I liked were Senio Kelemete- He is a fighter. He gets to the second level well and he does well pulling too. He has good feet as well. I only see one weakness in his game really and that is size and strength. Bigger DT's will push him back in the pocket. He would be perfect for Denver's type of running game. Still I like this kid and would be okay with him as Colledge's backup going into the season.

Bobby Massie started out a little rough in this game but got better as it went on. He played alot of this game. It was nice to see him play so much. His runblocking and strength were very good. He is a much better athlete than any of the other backup tackles. It will only be a matter of time before he starts. He has four more preseason games to get it together. Just a thought and I know it wont happen, but why not start Massie at RG and then let him move to RT next year. His size and strength would be a better asset than Snyder. Massie would be a better runblocker than Snyder IMOP.

DJ Young was the third best backup of the night. I thought he did a pretty good job at LT. Nate Potter needs coaching and to me is at least a year if not two away from a number two spot, but I think he will make it and should make the practice squad.

Other guys that I was impressed with on the offense were-WR Laron Byrd. If it were up to me he would make the team. The kid is a player. Housler would be my starting TE. Too much talent to stay as the backup. Ryan Lindley I think makes the team over Bartel. More upside. Floyd should do well his first year. He looks good. If we keep a fourth TE I would like to take Steve Skelton over Jim Dray.

On the defensive line I would keep Landon Cohen over both Eason and Holliday. This kid will make more of an impact to me. Having him and David Carter gives us two young guys that play well behind the starters.

At linebacker Groves stole the show on the outside and Bradley on the inside this game. If we keep 7 linebackers they would be Acho, Washington, Bradley, Schofield, Lenon, Groves and Sturdivant.

DB's- I think this will take all preseason to figure out. Right now to me there is no clear cut #2 CB. Who I think will win out is Toler. To me he is the better athlete and should win if he can stay healthy. I think Gay wins the nickel job with Fleming and Jefferson the backups. At safety I was impressed with James Sanders the most. I think he will make the roster along with Bethel. I can't see Mike Adams making the team unless they choose him over Jefferson.

DB's: I'm inclined to think that one of the corners gets traded near end of camp. If Jefferson plays well throughout, I could see Toler being the trade bait given that, additionally, he's on a 1-year deal. Flemming is the future no. 2. (IMO) and the future may not be far off.

- Want Massie concentrating on one role.

- If Cohen can be hidden on the PS, that's where I'd send him. Doubt that's he competing with Holliday or Eason, more likely Talley.
Last edited:

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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Not a whole lot of trades come at this time of year..... do they? More likely the odd CB out will be a waiver pick-up once cut. I do not think a trade is likely.

If you need a CB, why risk the waiver wire when a low round pick can get you a known quantity? It wouldn't be the first time we traded someone off the existing roster.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
You talk of Schofield looking bad against the run....Acho was worse. He looked slow, tentative, and was out of position.

But it's the preseason and he's proven himself last year in games.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
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You talk of Schofield looking bad against the run....Acho was worse. He looked slow, tentative, and was out of position.

But it's the preseason and he's proven himself last year in games.

I watched snippets of the preseason on the NFL Network last evening, and the one constant was poor O-line play and poor tackling.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
DB's: I'm inclined to think that one of the corners gets traded near end of camp. If Jefferson plays well throughout, I could see Toler being the trade bait given that, additionally, he's on a 1-year deal. Flemming is the future no. 2. (IMO) and the future may not be far off.

- Want Massie concentrating on one role.

- If Cohen can be hidden on the PS, that's where I'd send him. Doubt that's he competing with Holliday or Eason, more likely Talley.

Cohen can't be; he's been in the NFL too long to have any practice squad eligibility.

I advocated Jefferson quite a bit this offseason since he had moments where he played pretty well last year, but I think the last CB spot is a competition between Toler and Jefferson, and Toler likely has the leg up. The more I think about it, Adams just brings TOO much to special teams to cut him and he's a more than adequate slot defender. Last year he was very good defending in the slot and teaming him with Bethel puts the special back in special teams.

The overall talent level of the team continues to improve, but our QB play was terrible. That throw to Heap by Skelton just shows he lacks the instincts; he threw it a second or two late and it was easily broken up. That's the ordinary play that Skelton doesn't consistently make, and is the reason I'm convinced we absolutely HAVE TO draft a QB next year, even if Skelton has a good year. He's just never going to be a great starter in the NFL. His ceiling his meh, he'll never be good. And Kolb just doesn't have the mental make up to deal with pressure...


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
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Orange County, CA
I watched snippets of the preseason on the NFL Network last evening, and the one constant was poor O-line play and poor tackling.

Offensive lines take time, and expecting superior play in week 1 is pure folly.

I think we should keep:

Snyder (I told you all he was terrible)
DJ Young

Wedige PS

Keep the young guys and just let them develop, let go of the has-beens/never weres like Batiste and Hochstein. This team has desperately needed a talent infusion on the o line and going young at least gives us the opportunity to develop a few guys and not pay for veterans who aren't likely to be too much better.


Jun 10, 2002
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That throw to Heap by Skelton just shows he lacks the instincts; he threw it a second or two late and it was easily broken up.

I don't know about that. Looks to me like the throw to Heap was Skelton's second read and that's why the throw was late as you call it. Skelton was looking first to the outside WR and then looked back to Heap.


ASFN Addict
Sep 3, 2011
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I rewatched the game, 1 opinion changed:

Stewart Bradley actually looked pretty bad. His highlight plays overshadowed the bad plays where you didnt notice his mistakes. One particular drive, he was the reason for 3 consecutive completions. You probably all remember the play for the QB was scrambling out and baited Stewart down, and then passed the ball to his TE, over Stewarts head. That was one of them. The next play, he completely whiffed on a tackle, 100%. The next play, he ran into the RB, fell down, and the RB caught the pass for about 10 yards.

Odds are the coaches are going to see that on tape too. Hes not as far along as we thought. But he is doing better.


Jun 10, 2002
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15. Horrible job blocking by Housler, he gets rag-dolled on the play. Literally a DE grabs him and throws him away.

14B. Outstanding block by Housler on the TD run. Had to look twice to make sure it was him. Also had a good clearing block to the inside on another long Smith run earlier in the drive.

Snyder wasn't near as bad as people made him out to be. At least during the TD drive.

Remi Ayodele is a load.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
I love his athleticism but for Jefferson to survive, he will have play more like a veteran and less like a rookie.

Too often, he still looks a bit lost out there. He's no longer a rook and has to start playing like he belongs. Otherwise he's probably the odd man out.

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