Let The Games Begin


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
So---here we Arizona Cardinals fans are a mere hours from the start of a brand new season---wahoo!

I don't know about you---but here are my thoughts:

1. I was up every two hours last night, almost like clockwork---just as I used to be as a kid on Christmas Eve.

2. I am worried about the opponent---it doesn't matter who it is---I respect them all---and I can see how they could beat the Cardinals. I have already imagined it---and I have already practiced what I am going to say to myself if it happens---how I am fiercely going to try to avoid feeling the desperation of thinking that this game could, in retrospect, be the one to knock the Cardinals out of the playoffs. You know---we HAVE to win every game at home to have a chance with our schedule, right?

3. I don't think it is wise to make predictions, especially predicting the Cardinals to win.

4. I am afraid of the injury monster and feel like he is always lurking around my team.

5. I will not allow myself a SINGLE second to believe the Cardinals have won until the 4th quarter clock reads 0:00.

6. I will not answer the phone during the game.

7. I am wondering this year whether I need to put on a special shirt or underwear. If we are losing at halftime I will change my shirt. If we are losing badly---my underwear too, by necessity.

8. I am going to light the little candle next to my Cardinals helmet by the TV.

9. I am going to eat something at half-time.

10. I am not going to have a beer until the 4th quarter.

11. I am going to make my yearly resolution to love watching the Cardinals games the way I did when I was an 8 year old kid. I am going to try not to fight my way through the games all tied up in knots to the point where I wonder if I am really enjoying the game or not.

12. I am desperately not going to think already about next year's draft.

Whenever my mom took me and my sisters to the beach for a week in the summer---the best and happiest week of the year---when we would open the front door of the beach rental she would always shout, "Let the games begin!"

So---as we open up the door to this brand new season for the Arizona Cardinals---all I have to say to you my friends is: "Let The Games Begin!":newcards::band::cheers::D


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Nice post Walter!

Yes opening day takes me back to the early days as a Cards fan & I reflect on that each & every season. The sunny opening days at Busch Stadium, after a morning pretending in the front yard with my best bud I was Jim Bakken. We would place at ball in the St Augustine grass & take turns kicking the game winner thru our 30 foot pine trees, he as George Blanda (he was a Raiduhs fan) & me Jim Bakken. He would pump his arm like Snake Stabler throwing me a pass & I would drop back like Jimmy Hart with that little wiggle he had doing the same. He would hit Branch deep on a bomb, then I would reciprocate with a Hart to Gray 80 yarder.

Opening day is & will always be a special day in my heart for my beloved Big Red & the NFL, there's no sport like it on the planet. All teams are 0-0 & have aspirations of hoisting the Lomardi Trophy! I long for that day & am nervous each beginning of the season.

All I know is the Cards have the talent to compete for that title & serious question marks to also keep them from achieving that team goal. Today is special & all I have to say is...

Go Big Red:newcards:


Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
May 21, 2010
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I don't know who knows less about PI? Refs or Sherman!


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
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Freakin pumped up. I5 takes wayyyyy to long for the season to start.


Go for it
Supporting Member
Sep 5, 2005
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Bullhead City, AZ
2. I am worried about the opponent---it doesn't matter who it is---I respect them all

3. I don't think it is wise to make predictions, especially predicting the Cardinals to win.

4. I am afraid of the injury monster and feel like he is always lurking around my team.

5. I will not allow myself a SINGLE second to believe the Cardinals have won until the 4th quarter clock reads 0:00.

6. I will not answer the phone during the game.

9. I am going to eat something at half-time.
All these for me.

I never take any team for granted.

With the Cardinals lack of being able to finish off teams it always takes us to the last second of the game.

We have a bad habit of playing to level of our opponent and the game being close.

Cardiac Cardinals for sure.


Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
11. I am going to make my yearly resolution to love watching the Cardinals games the way I did when I was an 8 year old kid. I am going to try not to fight my way through the games all tied up in knots to the point where I wonder if I am really enjoying the game or not.

This is one I swear I'm going to try every year and totally fail.

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